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Nelikvidnost in prezadolženost oziroma kapitalska neustreznost so dokaj razširjeni in pereči pojavi, kateri ne prizadenejo le gospodarskega subjekta, ki se iz različnih vzrokov znajde v krizi, pač pa tudi kopico drugih subjektov, ki z dolžnikom poslovno sodelujejo oziroma so z njim kakorkoli povezani, zaposlence in njihove družine, lokalno skupnost, državni proračun in še marsikoga. Množica tovrstnih pojavov pomembno vpliva na makroekonomsko sliko države, saj v insolvenčnih postopkih, v katerih se podjetja po dolgotrajnejši krizi praviloma znajdejo, »ponikne« precejšen del narodovega premoženja. Zato je nadvse pomembno, da je sistem obravnavanja insolventnih dolžnikov karseda učinkovit. Učinkovit je sistem, ki insolventnim dolžnikom omogoči nadaljevanje poslovne dejavnosti, v kolikor za to obstojijo realne možnosti, hkrati pa njegovim upnikom omogoči kar najboljše in čim hitrejše poplačilo njihovih terjatev, pri čemer se dosledno spoštujejo temeljna načela insolvenčnih postopkov. Z obstoječim sistemom insolvenčnih postopkov v Republiki Sloveniji skorajda nihče ni zadovoljen, zato si številni deležniki prizadevajo za njegovo spremembo. Insolvenčni zakon, ki je bil v sedmih letih že sedemkrat noveliran, še vedno ne daje pričakovanih rezultatov, sodna praksa je dokaj neenotna, postopki so dolgotrajni in neučinkoviti, upniki le redko dočakajo dostojno poplačilo, pojavljajo se zlorabe teh postopkov za protipravno pridobivanje premoženjske koristi. Poseben problem so prepozno začeti postopki zaradi insolventnosti in posledična izčrpanost dolžnika, kar onemogoča njegovo rešitev, upnikom pa zmanjšuje možnosti dostojnega poplačila. Najpogostejša postopka zaradi insolventnosti, ki se izvajata nad pravnimi osebami, sta stečaj in prisilna poravnava. Stečajni postopek ima na Slovenskem negativen prizvok, saj se pojmuje kot dokončen konec subjekta in njegovega podjema ter razprodajo njegovega premoženja. Mnogo večje koristi za dolžnika in upnike naj bi prinašala prisilna poravnava, ki dolžniku omogoča preživetje, zaposlencem ohranitev delovnih mest, upnikom pa boljše poplačilo. Kljub temu so postopki poravnav dokaj redki, iz česar je mogoče sklepati, da poravnava ni vedno najboljša ali izvedljiva rešitev. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene razlike med obema insolvenčnima postopkoma ter njune prednosti in slabosti. Prikazani so rezultati teh postopkov in razlogi za njihovo precejšnjo neučinkovitost. Navedeni so tudi nekateri predlogi za izboljšanje obstoječega sistema in načina obravnavanja insolvenčnih postopkov. Illiquidity and over-indebtedness or capital inappropriateness are quite common and burning phenomena that do not affect only the economic subject, due to different reasons found in crisis, but also a plethora of other subjects that are in business cooperation with the one in debt or are connected to him in any other way, the employees and their families, local community, state budget and several others. A quantity of such phenomena importantly influence the macro-economic image of the country, as in insolvency procedures, in which companies after a long crisis are regularly found, a substantial part of the nation’s assets “evaporate”. Therefore, it is very important that the system of insolvent debtors is as efficient as possible. An efficient system is a system that enables the insolvent debtors to continue with their business activities, if such realistic possibilities actually exists, while at the same time enables its creditors as good and as fast payment of their claims as possible, where the basic principles of insolvent procedures are thoroughly respected. Almost no one is satisfied with the existing system of insolvency procedures in the Republic of Slovenia therefore numerous stakeholders are pushing for its change. The insolvency law that had been in the last seven years modified seven times, is still not giving the expected results, there is a great deal of variety in court practice, the procedures are long and inefficient, the creditors rarely receive the proper return, and abuses of such procedures for illegal acquisition of property are occurring. A special problem lies with procedures that were started because of the insolvency and consequential exhaustion of the debtor, which prevents their solution and is reducing the chances of the creditors to receive a decent return. The most common insolvency procedures that are being conducted with the legal persons are bankruptcy and judicial settlement. The bankruptcy procedures have in Slovenia a negative connotation as they are regarded as a final ending of the subject and its undertakings, as well as a wholesale of its assets. Much greater benefits for the debtor and the creditors should be brought by the judicial settlement that enables the debtor to survive, preserves the workplaces for the employees and allows the creditors to receive a better return. Despite that the judicial settlement procedures are relatively rare, from which it can be concluded that the settlement is not always the best or the most doable solution. In our diploma thesis we present the differences between the two insolvency procedures, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. We are showing the results of these procedures and the reasons for their considerable inefficiency. We are also stating some suggestions to improve the existing system and the treatment of insolvency procedures. |