Evalvation of the i-textbook for the 5th grade - Contents: Units of measurement

Autor: Rozman, Barbara
Přispěvatelé: Lipovec, Alenka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Magistrsko delo z naslovom Evalvacija i-učbenika za 5. razred – vsebina: Merske količine je vsebinsko razdeljeno na dva tematska sklopa, in sicer na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so najprej predstavljeni elektronski učni mediji, e-učenje, značilnosti e-učnih gradiv in podrobneje i-učbenik. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena metodika sklopa merjenje za peti razred osnovne šole. Sledi empirični del, kjer smo uporabili pedagoški eksperiment, torej kavzalno-eksperimentalno metodo. V empiričnem delu je prikazan vpliv uporabe i-učbenika v praksi – pri poučevanju matematike. Raziskava je bila izvedena na neslučajnostnem vzorcu štiriintridesetih otrok dveh petih razredov iste osnovne šole. Oba razreda sta reševala dva preizkusa znanja – enega na začetku in drugega na koncu raziskave. Primerjali smo torej rezultate skupine, kjer so učenci učno snov predelali s pomočjo i-učbenika in skupine, kjer je pouk potekal ob uporabi klasičnega (tiskanega) učbenika. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je poučevanje in učenje z i-učbenikom pripomoglo k boljšemu razumevanju snovi in posledično tudi k boljšemu reševanju finalnih preizkusov. Ugotovili smo, da je eksperimentalna skupina po le nekaj urah dela z i-učbenikom finalni preizkus rešila veliko bolje (12 %) od kontrolne skupine. Sklepamo lahko, da i-učbenik pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju učne snovi ter hkrati pripomore k večjemu veselju do učenja. Master`s thesis entitled Evaluation of the i-textbook for the 5th grade - contents: Units of measurement is substantively divided into two thematic parts: a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part firstly presents e-learning media, e-learning, characteristics of e-learning materials and i-textbook in its details. In the continuation the methodology of the measurement set for the fifth grade of primary school is presented. This is followed by the empirical part, where we employed the pedagogical experiment, thus causal-experimental method. In the empirical part the impact of the practical use of an i-textbook, specifically in mathematics is being presented. The research was conducted on a non – probability sample of thirty-four children from two fifth grade classes of the same school. Both classes solved two examination - one at the beginning and another at the end of the study. We therefore compared the results of the group where learners accomplished a learning unit by using the i-textbook and the group where lessons were carried out with the help of a classic (printed) textbook. The results showed that teaching and learning with i-textbook has contributed to a better understanding of the subject and consequently to better solved final tests. We found out that the experimental group, after only few hours of work with i - textbook, accomplished their final examination much better (12%) than the control group. We can therefore conclude that the i-textbook contributes to a better understanding of the subject and at the same time contributes to a greater joy of learning.
Databáze: OpenAIRE