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Diplomsko delo govori o odgovornosti izvajalca za napake v solidnosti gradbe, pri čemer kljub nedefiniranosti pojma v zakonskih virih, lahko poiščemo natančnejše definicije v komentarjih zakonskih virov, mnenjih pravnih strokovnjakov in primeroma v sodni praksi. Napaka v solidnosti gradbe je takšna, ki ne obsega samo rušenja objekta ali njegovega dela ter ogrožanja varnosti in življenja, temveč tudi obsega vse napake na vitalnih delih objekta, kateri bi morali služiti svoji funkciji v prvih desetih letih po izgradnji, ob upoštevanju, da gre za normalno uporabo. Izvajalec je za takšno napako odgovoren, kadar so izpolnjene predpostavke. Ena izmed najpomembnejših je, da se napaka ugotovi v desetih letih od prevzema in izročitve del. Daljši jamčevalni rok je določen glede na predmet izpolnitve in je bistvo instituta o odgovornosti za solidnost gradbe. Skupaj z rokom za obvestilo, ki je prav tako daljši in znaša šest mesecev, je določen v korist naročnika. Izvajalec se lahko svoje odgovornosti razbremeni, zanjo pa do ekskulpacije odgovarja objektivno. Ker lahko napaka v solidnosti gradbe izvira iz več vzrokov (napaka v projektu, napaka v materialu, napaka v tehnični izvedbi del in iz posebnih lastnosti zemljišča), so ekskulpacijski razlogi različni. Naročnik ima v primeru podane odgovornosti izvajalca na voljo zahtevek za odstop od pogodbe, odpravo napak in znižanje plačila. Gre za jamčevalne zahtevke, glede katerih je dopusten tudi dogovor strank, ko je napaka že nastala (je določena oziroma določljiva), kumulativno s temi pa lahko naročnik uveljavlja tudi odškodninski zahtevek. The subject of this thesis is the liability of contractors for construction defects, that have an effect on the solidity of a structure . Despite the lack of a clear definition of this subject in legal sources, accurate definitions can be found in commentaries of legal sources, the opinions of legal experts and in case law. Such construction defects are not only limited to the faults that warrant demolition of a part or the entirety of a building or pose a threat to human life and security, they also encompass the defects of vital parts of a facility that should under normal conditions serve its function at least ten years after construction. The contractor shall be liable for such defects if certain conditions are met. One of the most important conditions is the identification of the defect in the first ten years after the handover and the finishing of construction. A longer construction guarantee depends on the contractual subject and presents the basis for guaranteeing the stability of a structure. The guarantee and the notification deadline, which is also longer and amounts to six months, are set in favour of the client. The contractor may be relieved of his responsibilities, but is strictly liable until the exculpation. Since construction faults can have several different causes (project errors, faulty materials, errors in the technical execution, specific property features) there are also various reasons for exculpation. If the contractor is proven liable, the awarding authority has the right to withdraw from the contract, demand the rectification of defects and a reduction of payments. These guarantee claims can be subject to an agreement between parties after the fault has already occurred (the defect is defined or is definable). However, cumulatively with these agreements, the awarding authority also has the right to a compensation claim. |