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V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela opisujemo splošna teoretična izhodišča o spletnih socialnih omrežjih, predvsem Facebooka, njegove lastnosti ter njegovo povezanost s šolsko uspešnostjo mladostnikov. Prav tako smo obravnavali pozitivne in negativne učinke spletnih socialnih omrežij na mladostnike in njihov vpliv na izobraževanje. V nadaljevanju smo definirali šolsko uspešnost in njene dejavnike ter obravnavali starševski nadzor nad uporabo spletnih socialnih omrežij njihovih otrok. Nato smo predstavili primere, kako lahko šola uporabi Facebook v učnem procesu. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili empirično raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo spletne ankete 1ka. Anketirali smo 123 srednješolcev Koroške in Štajerske regije. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili statistični program SPSS. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da večina respondentov nekajkrat dnevno uporablja Facebook. Po pridobljenih podatkih Facebook ostaja najbolj razširjeno spletno omrežje, vendar ne med najstniki. Namreč med najstniki sta Facebook zasenčila vse bolj priljubljeni Snapchat in Instagram. Enako je potrdila tudi naša raziskava. Spletna socialna omrežja mladi uporabljajo za druženje in ohranjanje stikov s prijatelji, obveščanje o šolskih dejavnostih, zabavo ter podobno. Večini respondentom Facebook služi kot pomoč pri učenju in šolskem delu. Pri uporabi Facebooka in drugih socialnih omrežij mladostnikov starši svojim otrokom zaupajo. Kljub temu da povezanosti Facebooka in šolske uspešnosti v naši raziskavi nismo dokazali (majhen in omejeno reprezentativen vzorec respondentov), ta zagotovo obstaja tako pozitivna kot negativna, kar je predstavljeno tudi v teoretičnem delu. This master’s thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. In the first part, we are describing some common theoretical background of online social media, especially Facebook, its characteristics and connection to the youth’s academic performance. We also acknowledged some positive and negative effects of social media on the youth and the influence they have on education. Further on, we used defined academic performance using factors and have discussed parental control over their children’s social media use. Lastly, we have shown some examples of how a school can use Facebook in its teaching process. In the next, empirical part, we introduced our empirical research, done through an online survey page 1ka. 123 secondary school students from Koroška and Štajerska region took part in our research. We used the statistical program SPSS to analyze the data. The results have shown that most of our respondents use Facebook multiple times daily. As the previously gathered data shows, Facebook remains the most commonly used social medium, though not among teenagers, where it has lost its first place to Snapchat and Instagram. The two, especially Snapchat, are growing in popularity. Our research has come to the same conclusions. The youth use social media to socialize and keep contact with friends, to gather and give information on school activities, to entertain themselves, etc. Parents trust their children with their Facebook and other social media accounts use. Although we have not managed to prove a connection between Facebook and academic performance (a small and limited representative sample), as we have shown in the theoretical part, both a negative and a positive connection do exist. |