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Ločitve so v zadnjih desetletjih postale pogost pojav v razvitem svetu in tudi pri nas. Za vse člane družine pa pomeni ločitev boleče in stresno dogajanje, ob katerem ne more ostati nihče neprizadet. Otroci se na ločitveno dogajanje različno odzivajo. Običajno so zmedeni, ko spoznajo, da se njihovi starši ločujejo. V naslednjem trenutku so zelo žalostni, v drugem pa jezni na starše. V procesu ločevanja otroci utrpijo veliko škode. Pogosto pa so tudi prepričani, da so nekako krivi za ločitev. V diplomskem delu smo želeli predstaviti, kako otrok doživlja, občuti, razume ločitev svojih staršev, kakšne so posledice ločitve staršev za otroka, kako vpliva ločitev staršev na otroka glede na njegovo starost in spol, kaj se dogaja z družino v obdobju pred, med in po ločitvi in kakšno je ozračje, komunikacija v družini v procesu ločevanja. Najbolj pa nas je zanimalo, kakšno vlogo imajo pri otroku vzgojitelji, svetovalni delavci v vrtcih v procesu ločevanja otrokovih staršev, kako vzgojitelji, svetovalni delavci v vrtcih ocenjujejo otrokovo doživljanje, občutenje, razumevanje ločitve, otrokovo vedenje, odnos v igri do ostalih otrok, njegovo ravnanje z igračami v času ločevanja staršev, kako se vzgojitelji zanimajo za temo o ločitvi in kako svetovalni delavci v vrtcih ocenjujejo ozračje v družini in komunikacijo med družinskimi člani v času ločevanja staršev. Ko se v družini pojavi ločitev staršev, se pogostokrat vedenje otroka spremeni. Otroci postanejo bolj agresivni, razdražljivi, jokavi, potrebujejo več pozornosti, se zaprejo vase, postanejo nekomunikativni, imajo motnje v spanju ali pa celo prenehajo jesti. Za vsakega otroka predstavlja ločitev staršev težavno obdobje, ki mu ga lahko pomagajo prebroditi vzgojitelji, svetovalni delavci v vrtcih in seveda starši sami, če prisluhnejo temu, kaj njihov otrok doživlja, občuti. Divorces have become very frequent in the last few decades in the developed part of the world and Slovenia is no exception. Divorce is painful and stressful for all family members. Children respond to divorce differently. Usually they are confused when they realize their parents are separating. In the next moment they are very sad and then angry at their parents. Children suffer a lot of damage in the divorce process. In many cases they also believe they are in a way guilty for the divorce. In this thesis we wanted to present how children experience, feel and understand the divorce of their parents, which are the consequences of a divorce for children, how does divorce affect children with regard to their age and sex, what is happening with the family in the period before, during and after the divorce and about the atmosphere and communication in a family during a divorce process. Most of all we were interested in the role that childcare workers and education counsellors in kindergartens have with regards to the child in the process of parents’ divorce. How childcare workers and education counsellors in kindergartens assess the child’s experience, feelings and understanding of divorce, child’s behaviour, how a child acts when playing with the other children and how a child treats toys in the process of divorce. We also wanted to know how much interest childcare workers put into divorce and how education counsellors in kindergartens evaluate the atmosphere in the family and communication between family members at the time of parents’ divorce. When parents divorce the behaviour of children often changes. Children become more aggressive, irritable, they cry more, need more attention, become introvert, non-communicative, have problems sleeping or they even stop eating. Divorce of their parents is a difficult period for every child. Childcare workers, education counselors in kindergartens and of course the parents themselves can help their children to overcome it, if they listen to what the child is experiencing and feeling. |