An Excursion to the Outskirts of Slovenian Istria

Autor: Šumanova, Aleksandra
Přispěvatelé: Potočnik, Dragan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Izola
Popis: Namen diplomske naloge z naslovom Ekskurzija v zaledje Slovenske Istre je predstaviti ekskurzijo kot sodobno metodo izvajanja pouka zgodovine, in le-to konkretizirati na osnovi zgodovinskega potenciala vasi v istrskem zaledju. Predstavljena je teoretična zasnova sodobnega znanja, poučevanja in učenja zgodovine, ter pomembnost sodobnih učnih oblik, metod in načinov dela pri pouku zgodovine. V okviru ekskurzije je predstavljeno terensko delo ter pomen terena za pouk zgodovine, možne vsebine in objekti preučevanja, ter viri, s katerimi se srečujem pri izvedbi ekskurzije. Opredeljen je pojem ekskurzije, opisan pomen, naloge in vzgojno-izobraževalni cilji le-te. Predstavljena je organizacijska struktura ekskurzije in vrste ekskurzij, ki jih lahko učitelji izvajajo. Podan je geografski opis in splošni zgodovinski oris Istre, po zgodovinskih obdobjih, ter narejen izbor vasi, ki didaktično in vsebinsko sovpadajo z izvedbo ekskurzije. Ekskurzija v zaledje Slovenske Istre je konkretizirana na šestih vaseh, in sicer na vasi Hrastovlje, Kubed, Gračišče, Sočerga, Brezovica pri Gradinu, Abitanti, ter na njihovih ogledih. V ta namen so bili za vsako ogledno točko oblikovani učni listi. Skupek vsega omogoča večjo aktivnost učenca, s katero lažje oblikuje svojo miselno strukturo, interpretacijo podatkov in zgodovinsko mišljenje, ter oblikuje pozitiven odnos do kulturne dediščine. The purpose of this thesis with the title An Excursion to the Outskirts of Slovenian Istria is to present the excursion as a contemporary method of carrying out history classes and to concretize it on the basis of the historical potencial of the villages in the istrian suburbs. The thesis presents a theoretical scheme of modern knowledge, teaching and learing of history and points out the importance of modern teaching varieties, methods and ways of carrying out a history class. The thesis emphasizes the importance of fieldwork in the process of learning history, its possible contents and objects of study, and the importance of the sources of information that we come across while carrying out an excursion. The thesis defines the excursion as a term, describes its meaning, tasks and goals in the process of upbringing and education. It also presents the organizational structure and the types of excursions from which the teachers can choose. The thesis provides a geographical description and a general historical outline based on historical periods and a selection of villages that coincide with the excursion didactically and by their content. The excursion in the suburbs of the slovenian Istria in concretized on six villages, which are Hrastovlje, Kubed, Gračišče, Sočerga, Brezovica pri Gradinu and Abitanti and on the sightseeings of the villages. For this purpose a worksheet was prepared for each of the villages. This way of learning allows the student to be more active and to develop his own way of thinking, his own interpretation of data as well as historical thinking and to build a positive attitude towards cultural heritage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE