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S koncem decembra 2016 je v okviru Uredbe št. 1169/2011, prišel v veljavo člen, ki predpisuje obvezno navedbo energijskih in hranilnih vrednosti na predpakiranih živilih. V okviru diplomskega dela smo za ekološko kmetijo »Pri Baronu« izračunali energijske in hranilne vrednosti živilom v ponudbi kmetije. S pomočjo receptur, splošno veljavnih podatkov in upoštevajoč vso veljavno zakonodajo smo naredili izračune in jih primerjali z vrednostmi primerljivih ekoloških živil, najdenih na slovenskem trgu. Preverili smo, ali med njimi prihaja do odstopanj in če so ta znotraj predpisanih tolerančnih mej. Rezultati kažejo, da do odstopanj največkrat pride pri energijski vrednosti in vsebnosti ogljikovih hidratov ter soli. Tolerančne meje so s svojimi vrednostmi presegli nekateri sirupi in marmelade, pesto namaza ter kisla repa in zelje ter začimbna mešanica Baronogeta. Pri ostalih primerjanih živilih so bile razlike znotraj predpisanih tolerančnih mej. Izračune energijske in hranilne vrednosti bo kmetija dodala na obstoječe označbe svojih predpakiranih živil. At the end of December 2016, the article of regulation no. 1169/2011 came into effect. The article designates a mandatory indication of energy and nutritional values for all pre-packed food products. Within this diploma thesis, make the regulatory calculations of energy and nutritional values of pre-packed food products that are sold at an organic farm »Pri Baronu« will be presented. Calculations are based on the recipes, information available to the public and by applying the applicable law. Those calculations were compared to organic foods found on the Slovene market, to see if there are any deviations and if those deviations are still within the tolerance limits. Most deviations were found in results for energy values and carbohydrate and salt content. Some syrups and marmalades, pesto spread, sour turnip, and cabbage, as well as the spice mixture Baronogeta exceeded the tolerance limits. Deviations of other food products were within the tolerance limits. The results of energy and nutrition value calculations will be added to the farm's existing labeling of their pre-packed food products. |