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Diplomsko delo obravnava igro Nim, saj pri pouku matematike spodbuja različne oblike mišljenja, ustvarjalnosti, nasploh pa je smiselno, da se učenci spoznajo s praktično uporabnostjo in pomenom učenja matematike. Igra pri samem pouku ni sama sebi namen, temveč lahko z njo dosežemo zastavljene vzgojno-izobraževalne cilje, predvsem pa poglablja teoretično znanje in razvija strateško razmišljanje. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene različne verzije igre Nim, vse od preproste igre odštevanja do klasične igre Nim in njenih razširitev. Podana je evalvacija uporabe preprostejših verzij igre na vzorcu 53 osnovnošolskih učencev, razdeljenih v dve skupini med 4. in 9. razredom. Skupino I so sestavljali učenci drugega triletja, skupino II pa učenci tretjega triletja. Primerjali smo, kako učenci dojemajo igro in njeno strategijo ter kako učinkovita je igra glede na starost učencev in velikost skupin. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je igro nekoliko bolje dojela mlajša skupina, odzivi udeležencev do igre in s tem uporaba hevrističnih metod pri obeh skupinah pa so bili zelo podobni. Velikosti skupin pri doseganju boljših rezultatov niso igrale pomembne vrednosti. Praktični del diplomskega dela opisuje dve računalniški aplikaciji igre, ki sta pripravljeni za namene naloge. The diploma thesis deals with the Nim game, because it encourages different forms of thinking and creativity in mathematics class furthermore, it generally makes sense that students learn the practical usefulness and the importance of learning mathematics. The game in the class is not an end in itself, but with it we can achieve the set of educational goals, in particular, it deepens theoretical knowledge and develops strategic thinking. We have presented different versions of the Nim game, from simple countdown games to the classic Nim game and its extensions. We have evaluated the use of simpler versions of the game on a sample of 53 primary school pupils, divided into two groups between the 4th and 9th grade. Group I consisted of pupils of the second triad, a group II of pupils of the third triad. We compared how students perceive the game and its strategy, and how effective the game is according to the age and size of groups of pupils. We found out that the game is somewhat better understood by the younger group, the reactions of the participants to the game, and hereby the use of heuristic methods, are very similar in both groups. Our findings have shown that the size of the groups have not played a significant value in achieving better results. Practical part of the diploma thesis describes two computer applications of the game, which have been prepared for the purposes of the diploma thesis. |