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Teoretična izhodišča: S pomočjo elektrokardiograma snemamo električno aktivnost srca. Le ta nam omogoča prepoznavanje odstopanj od normalnega sinusnega ritma. To so lahko nujna stanja ali druga patološka stanja. Zelo pomembna je vloga medicinske sestre, saj je ona tista, ki snema in prva oceni krivuljo elektrokardiografa. Raziskovalna metodologija: Za teoretični del smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Raziskavo smo izvedli z anketnim vprašalnikom na eni izmed zdravstvenih fakultet s pomočjo kvantitativne metode raziskovanja. Rezultate vseh 70 sodelujočih anketirancev smo obdelali s pomočjo Excela in aplikacije 1ka. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je teoretično znanje pravilnega snemanja elektrokardiograma zadovoljivo, čeprav se pojavlja veliko napak pri natančni postavitvi elektrod. Več težav smo zasledili pri interpretaciji zapisa elektrokardiograma, kjer pogosto ne prepoznajo življenjsko ogrožajočih stanj in stanj, ki so potrebna takojšnje defibrilacije. Sklep: Elektrokardiogram je osnovna, preprosta in neinvazivna preiskava za ugotavljanje motenj srca. Od medicinskih sester se zahteva in pričakuje ustrezno izvajanje intervencije. Ugotovili smo, da bi bilo potrebno več izobraževanja na področju snemanja in interpretacije elektrokardiograma v procesu izobraževanja. Theoretical background: With electrocardiogram we record the electrical activity of the heart what helps us recognizing the deviation from the normal sine rhythm. These can be urgent or other pathological conditions. The role of the nurse is very important because she is the first who records and the first who reads the electrocardiogram curve. Methodology: For the theoretical part we used the descriptive method. With the help of the quantitative research method our survey questionnaire was carried out on one of the faculties of health sciences. We analysed the results of all 70 surveyed with the help of Excel and 1ka application. Results: Our research has shown that the theoretically accurate recording of the electrocardiogram is satisfactory although many errors occurred while setting the electrodes. We have noticed more problems in the interpretation of the electrocardiogram recording where the life jeopardy conditions and the conditions, which need instant defibrillation, are often not recognized. Conclusion: Electrocardiogram is a main and uninvasive heart failures diagnosis. The nurses are expected to intervene accurately. In our opinion, more training in electrocardiogram recording and interpretation is needed during the process of education. |