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Naslov diplomske naloge je FIT in smernice za projekt plesne prireditve. Naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov: teoretičnega in empiričnega. V teoretičnem delu smo podali nekaj informacij o FIT organizaciji. Ker v razpoložljivi literaturi ni podatkov o FIT-u, ki bi nam služili kot izhodišče za teoretični del, smo podali svoje mnenje. Osredotočili smo se na sam projekt, kaj le-ta je in kakšne so njegove glavne in vmesne etape. Vidike ustvarjalnosti smo analizirali po etapah projekta pri vzgojnem delu in prikazali smo načela ustvarjalne vzgoje, na katerih temelji projektno vzgojno delo. Precej podrobno smo se dotaknili značilnosti projektnega dela v vrtcu, od projektnega pristopa do spoštovanja otrokove osebnosti in osebnosti vseh udeležencev. Empirični del temelji predvsem na raziskavi FIT organizacije, ki nam je preko seminarja podala smernice za projekt plesne prireditve. Plesno prireditev so izvedle strokovne delavke in otroci od prvega do šestega leta starosti iz vrtca Beltinci. Med izvajanjem plesnih nalog smo prišli do ugotovitve, da so otroci navdušeni nad plesom in da se zelo radi gibajo ob glasbi. Ob plesu so se otroci sproščali in uživali. Vedno znova so želeli plesati, zraven pa so bili zelo ustvarjalni. The title of this diploma paper is FIT and the guidelines for the project of dancing event. The paper consists of two following parts: theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part there is some information given about FIT organization. Since there have not been relevant data found about FIT in the available literature we give our own opinion. The focus was on the project itself. And therefore we try to answer some general questions about what the project is and what are its main and intermediate stages. The aspects of creativity were analyzed according to the stages of the project within the educational work and the principles of creative education, which are the basis of the project, were shown. We write about characteristics of project work in nursery schools in detail, from project approach to the consideration of child’s personality and personalities of all involved in the project. The empirical part is mainly based on the survey of FIT that gave us the guidelines for the dancing event throughout the seminar. Dancing event was organized and performed by teachers and their assistants with children from one to six years of age in the nursery school Beltinci. During the performance of the dancing tasks we came to conclusion that children are excited about dancing and very much like to move to the music. Children were getting relaxed and they enjoyed when dancing. What is more, they were very creative and wanted to dance more. |