Formative assessment throughout a learning unit in slovenian language lessons in the 7th grade of elementary school

Autor: Pavšič, Mojca
Přispěvatelé: Pulko, Simona
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu je predstavljena metoda formativnega spremljanja znanja, ali z drugimi besedami metoda spremljanja za učenje. Formativno spremljanje je osredotočeno na vsakega posameznika v razredu, ki s pomočjo povratnih informacij dosega rezultate, ki so primerni učenčevim intelektualnim sposobnostim. Otroke uči, da je znanje nekaj, kar pridobiš z lastnim trudom. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni ključni elementi formativnega spremljanja, ki so temelji uspešnega sodelovanja med učiteljem in učencem. Ker takšna metoda poučevanja spodbuja avtonomnost učencev, se ti naučijo samoregulirati svoje učenje. V zadnjih letih se je spremenil pogled na delo v skupinah zaradi narave novih delovnih mest, zato je tudi to aktivneje vključeno v pouk, obenem pa igra pomembno vlogo pri formativnem spremljanju. Pogosto je tudi avtentično ocenjevanje, saj je že sama metoda takšnega pouka avtentična. V teoretični del smo vključili tudi portfolio, ki dokazuje napredek znanja učenca, poleg tega pa je portfolio tudi dokumentacija sprotnega spremljanja. V empiričnem delu je predstavljeno formativno spremljanje v praksi – od uvodne ure nove snovi do zaključka sklopa, tj. ocenjevanja. Empirični del smo opravili na osnovni šoli X, pouk pa smo opazovali v 7., 8. in 9. razredu zaradi narave sumativnega ocenjevanja smo v nalogo vključili le opazovanje v 7. razredu, v katerem je bilo ocenjevanje avtentično in kjer je bilo dokumentiranje znanja jasno vidno. Obravnavana snov je bila Opis države. Vse predstavitve v empiričnem delu so fotografirane in vključene v delo. In the Master's thesis, the method of formative assessment of knowledge, or in other words, the method of monitoring for learning, is presented. Formative assessment is focused on each individual in the classroom, who, through feedback, achieves results that are appropriate to the learner's intellectual abilities. The children learn that knowledge is something you gain with your own effort. In the theoretical part, key elements of formative assessment are presented, which are the foundation for successful collaboration between the teacher and the pupil. Because such teaching method stimulates pupils' autonomy, they learn to self-regulate their learning. In recent years, the concept of working in groups has changed because of the nature of new jobs, which is why it is also actively involved in teaching, while at the same time it presents an important role in formative assessment. It is often authentic because the method itself is authentic. In the theoretical part we included the portfolio which proves the progress of the student's knowledge furthermore, the portfolio is also a documentation of ongoing assessment. The empirical part presents formative assessment in practice – from the introductory hour of the new subject matter to the completion of the unit, i.e. evaluation. We carried out the empirical part at elementary school X, and we observed classes in the 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Due to the nature of the summative assessment, we included in the task the observation of only 7th grade, in which the assessment was authentic and where the documentation of the knowledge was clearly visible. The subject matter of the discussion was The Description of the Country. All presentations in the empirical part are photographed and included in the work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE