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V magistrskem delu bodo predstavljene analize nekaterih parametrov pri večletnih meritvah na strojih in električnih inštalacijah. Cilj analize je odkriti morebitne vzorce v bazi podatkov meritev. Podan bo odgovor na vprašanje, ali je v obsegu izvedene analize meritev na delovni opremi (izolacijska upornost in neprekinjenost povezav zaščite) in električnih inštalacijah v objektih (impedanca zaščitne zanke in neprekinjenost zaščitnega vodnika) mogoče ugotoviti trende ali odvisnosti parametrov s časom ali med seboj. Z rezultati analize bomo preverili ustreznost zakonskih zahtev glede periodike meritev. The thesis presents an analysis of certain parameters in the case of multi-annual measurement of machines and electrical installations. The aim of the analysis is to discover possible patterns in the measurements database. An answer will be provided to the question: taking into account the scope of the analysis of measurements of work equipment (insulation resistance and continuity measurement) and electrical installations in buildings (line impedance and continuous resistive measurement of the protective conductor) is it possible to identify trends or the dependence of parameters over time or between themselves. The results of the analysis will serve as a basis for a review of the adequacy of the periodicity of measurement taking according to legal requirements. |