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Ko danes pišemo pisma, pošljemo paket, oddajamo hitro pošto ali odpremo glasbeni telegram, se niti ne zavedamo, kako bo ali kako je bila ta storitev opravljena. Pomembno je, da so poštne storitve na voljo vsak trenutek in nepretrgoma. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen proces poslovanja s paketnimi pošiljkami v organizaciji pošte Šentjur. Pošta Slovenije se v svojem dolgoletnem poslovanju predstavlja s široko vrsto dejavnosti, vendar se bom v diplomskem delu osredotočila na sprejem paketnih pošiljk na pošti Šentjur ter na težave, ki se pojavljajo na tem področju. Podrobneje bom predstavila, kako poteka sprejem ter s katerimi problemi se srečujejo pri tehtanju, razkladanju in nakladanju paketov, ki so večjih dimenzij. Pri oblikovanju rešitve je predlagan sistem namestitve nakladalne ploščadi na dostavni avto ter namestitev paketne oz. digitalne tehtnice na mesto, kjer poteka sprejem, ter kako tehtnico povezati z računalnikom, kar bo omogočilo direkten vnos podatkov. Prednosti, ki jih prinašajo novosti, omogočajo predvsem hitrejše in lažje delo ter zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Nowadays, when we are writing letters, sending parcels, posting consignments via express mail or ordering a singing telegram, we are not aware of how these services will be or have been provided. The only thing that is important is that the postal services are available at all times and continuously. This graduation thesis introduces the process of dealing with parcels at the post office Šentjur. Although the Post of Slovenia has a long tradition and offers a wide range of services, I will focus only on the process of receiving parcels at the post office Šentjur and the problems that occur. Moreover, the process of receiving and the problems of weighting, unloading and loading of larger parcels are introduced in detail. The proposed solution includes a system for placing the load platform onto the delivery van, installation of the postal parcel balance or digital balance at the point where the parcels are being received and the connection of the balance with the computer, which enables a direct data entry. The advantages that these novelties bring are employee satisfaction and the fact that the work is done faster and easier. |