Light Pollution - Didactic Applications in Primary school

Autor: Mirnik, Nika
Přispěvatelé: Konečnik Kotnik, Eva
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirično-aplikativni del. V prvem delu smo na podlagi literature in virov pojasnili pojme, povezane s svetlobnim onesnaženjem. Drugi del je sestavljen iz empiričnega in aplikativnega dela. V njem smo analizirali učne načrte, izbrane učbenike in delovne zvezke pri predmetih spoznavanje okolja, naravoslovje in tehnika ter družba. Osredotočili smo se na učne cilje, vsebine in naloge, ki so vezani na okolje in svetlobno onesnaženje. Ugotovili smo, da učni načrt za spoznavanje okolja vsebuje največ takih ciljev. Ob analizi učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov smo ugotovili, da največ aktualnih vsebin vsebujeta učbenik in delovni zvezek za peti razred pri predmetu naravoslovje in tehnika. Izdelali in predstavili smo šest didaktičnih aplikacij za razredni pouk na aktualno tematiko, ki so primerne za poučevanje vseh razredov na razredni stopnji, in sicer dramatizacije Zvezdni ples, V svetlem gozdu, Upor proti svetlobi, Sporna svetilka, pravljico Veličastna drevesa in slikanico V svetlem gozdu. V tem delu so zajeti tudi rezultati evalvacij učiteljev in učencev po eksperimentalnem preizkusu aplikacij. Ugotovili smo, da izdelane didaktične aplikacije zelo pozitivno vrednotijo. The thesis consists of a theoretical part and of a section encompassing empirical data and applications. The first part focuses on the explanation of terms relating to light pollution using relevant references and sources. The second part, which consists of empirical data and applications, analyses curricula as well as selected textbooks and workbooks of three subjects, namely Environmental Studies, Science and Technology, and Social Science. The thesis focuses on the learning objectives, teaching content and student tasks relating to environment and light pollution. The results show that the Environmental Studies curriculum incorporates the largest number of such learning objectives. An analysis of textbooks and workbooks showed that the fifth-grade Science and Technology textbook and workbook contain the highest percentage of content relating to light-pollution. We developed six didactic applications that are suitable for teaching in all grades of primary education and are relevant to the topic of the thesis. These include four dramas titled A Dance of Stars, In a Bright Forest, The Fight Against the Light and The Conspicuous Lamp a fairy tale titled. The Majestic Trees and a picture book titled In a Bright Forest. This part also includes the results of the evaluation by teachers and students after an experimental trial of the applications was carried out. The results showed that these didactic applications were evaluated very positively.
Databáze: OpenAIRE