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V magistrskem delu analiziram izbrane romane svetovne književnosti (Drakulić Slavenka: Obtožena, Pelzer Dave: Otrok brez imena: sla nekega otroka po preživetju, Carranza Maite: Zastrupljene besede in Bruckner Pascal: Pridni sinko), ki obravnavajo tematiko patoloških staršev. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila vlogo matere in očeta v družini, razložila, kaj je ponesrečen zakon in kako vpliva na razvoj otroka in njegovo dojemanje nasprotnega spola ter posledično njegov odnos do njega, pojasnila, kakšno je patološko vedenje do otroka in kako nanj vpliva. V osrednjem delu naloge sem se lotila analize romanov. Opazovala sem, kakšnih zlorab se patološki starši v izbranih romanih poslužujejo, kakšen je odziv drugega starša na zlorabe, ki se odvijajo pred njegovimi očmi, kako patološki odnos med staršem in otrokom vpliva na otroka in ali avtorji podajajo tudi otrokovo doživljanje zlorabe. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako se avtorji opredeljujejo do tovrstne tematike in kako slednja učinkuje na bralca. In the master's thesis, we analyse selected novels of world literature (Drakulić Slavenka: Obtožena, Pelzer Dave: Otrok brez imena: sla nekega otroka po preživetju, Carranza Maite: Zastrupljene besede, and Bruckner Pascal: Pridni sinko) that deal with the topic of pathological parents. In the theoretical part, we defined the roles of mother and father in a family explained what an unsuccessful marriage and how it influences the development of the child and his understanding of the opposite sex and, consequently, his attitude towards him explained the pathological behaviour of parents towards a child and how it affects the child. In the central part of our work, we analysed the novels. We observed the types of abuse the pathological parents use in selected novels what is the response of the other parent to the abuse carried out by the first that takes place before his eyes how the pathological relationship between the parent and the child influences the child and whether the authors present also the child’s experience of abuse. We were also interested in the positions of authors on this kind of topic, and how the topic itself affects the reader. |