Isoglosses in the Prekmurje dialect

Autor: Kumin Horvat, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Slavia Centralis, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 87-108, 2010.
ISSN: 1855-6302
Popis: Članek predstavlja poskus prispevka k slovenski regionalni geolingvistiki. V slovenskih narečjih sta bili doslej predmet regionalne geolingvistične obravnave dve slovenski narečni skupini – primorska in koroška. Mario Alinei regionalne lingvistične atlase opredeljuje kot atlase druge generacije (če prvo generacijo predstavljajo nacionalni atlasi, tretjo atlasi jezikovnih družin – npr. OLA, četrto atlasi nesorodnih jezikov – npr. ALE). Pomen tovrstnih kart bo prikazan na primeru jezikovnih kart prekmurskega narečja, ki ga lahko na podlagi mlajših glasoslovnih pojavov razdelimo v tri podnarečja (dolinsko, ravensko, goričko). Izbrani jezikovni pojavi bodo v članku predstavljeni na kartah z metodo lingvistične geografije, in sicer na podlagi gradiva za Slovenski lingvistični atlas. The paper contributes to Slovenian regional geolinguistics, which deals with linguistic phenomena on the regional level. To date regional areal linguistics has been applied in two of the Slovenian dialect groups, the Littoral and the Carinthian dialect groups. According to Mario Alinei, this type of linguistic atlas is defined as second generation atlases (while first generation atlases are national atlases, and the third atlases of language groups – e. g., OLA, and, finally, fourth generation atlases are those of nonrelated languages (continental atlas) – ALE. The importance of regional lingustic atlases will be presented by the case study based on linguistic maps representing Prekmurje dialect linguistic features. Considering the newest phonetical features, this dialect could be divided into three subdialects (dolinsko, ravensko, goričko). In the present paper, selected linguistic features will be presented on the regional linguistic maps with the method of the geolinguistics, as they are transcribed in the data base for Slovenian Linguistic Atlas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE