Ethical aspect of controversial advertisement

Autor: Šef, Žiga
Přispěvatelé: Tomažič, Tina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Vsestranska prisotnost oglaševanja v vsakdanjiku ljudi je z leti postala vse bolj intenzivna. K temu dosti prispeva spletna kultura, ki je oglaševanje naredila veliko bolj dostopno in razširjeno. Z razširjenostjo pa so nastopile tudi popolnoma nove etične dileme na tem področju. V tej nalogi smo pregledali, kaj je spornega na spornem oglaševanju in kakšne regulacije lahko najdemo, ki to omejujejo. Analizirali smo etično sporne oglase in nekatera spletna mesta, ki nudijo spletno oglaševanje, ter s pomočjo rezultatov prikazali etični okvir oglaševalske industrije. The vast presence of advertising in the everyday lives of people has become increasingly intense over the years. Much of this is contributed by the online culture, which has made advertising much more accessible and universally present. With the increase in presence there were also completely new ethical dilemmas in this area. Throughout this work we reviewed some of the controversial parts of ads and the regulations that are present to limit those controversies. We analyzed ethically disputable ads and some websites that offer online advertising. The results helped us in creating an ethical framework of the advertising industry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE