Autor: Planko, Polonca
Přispěvatelé: Drozg, Vladimir
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu so obravnavane razlike in podobnosti v vsakodnevnem delovanju kmečkih in nekmečkih žensk. Pri tem sem se osredotočila na vrsto dnevnih opravil, koliko časa porabijo zanje in kje jih opravljajo. Med vsakodnevna opravila sem uvrstila delovne, oskrbovalne, rekreacijske, izobraževalne ter komunikacijske navade. S tem sem spoznala akcijski prostor anketiranih žensk. Za raziskovalni vzorec sem izbrala deset žensk, ki živijo na podeželju, pet kmečkih in pet nekmečkih žensk. Vse ženske sem anketirala in izdelala časovno prostorski grafikon za en delovni dan in nedeljo. To pomeni, da sem popisala vse dejavnosti, ki so jih na dotični dan počele, kje in kako dolgo. Na podeželju se pojavljata dve skupini žensk, in sicer ruralne (podeželske) ženske in kmečke ženske. Skupini se ne razlikujeta samo po vključenosti v kmetijsko produkcijo in življenjskemu stilu, ampak tudi glede vključenosti v politično in družbeno sfero. Zato s kmečkimi ženskami označujemo tisto skupino, ki je aktivno vključena v kmetijsko proizvodnjo ali jo vzdržuje kmetijsko aktivna oseba, medtem ko so ruralne (podeželske) ženske tiste, ki živijo na podeželju ne glede na poklic in socialni status. I have discussed differences and similarities in everyday life of peasant and non-peasant women in my graduation thesis. I have focused on types of daily tasks, and how long and where are they performed. I have included working, supplying, recreational, educational, and communicational customs among daily tasks. I have found the area of action of the women included in my survey. I have chosen ten women who live in rural area as my study sample. Five of them are peasant women and the other five are non-peasant women. I have interviewed all of them and designed time-space diagram for one weekday and Sunday. In this way, I have gathered all activities that took place on this day in question, where were they performed and how long did they last. There are two types of women in rural areas – rural women and peasant women. The two types do not differ only in integration in agricultural production and lifestyle, but also in integration in political and social sphere. Therefore the group of peasant women includes women who actively participate in agricultural production, which is thus maintained by an agriculturally active person, while the group of rural women includes women who live in rural areas, regardless of their profession and social status.
Databáze: OpenAIRE