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Osnovni cilj raziskave je bila ekonomika predelave mesa na lastni kmetiji. Osnovna dejavnost na kmetiji je pitanje prašičev. Kmetija se odloča o nadaljnji predelavi mesa v končne izdelke, pri čemer bi bila glavna dejavnost na kmetiji izdelava prleške tünke po starih običajih. V ta namen je bil razvit tehnološko-ekonomski model predelave mesa v različne domače izdelke. Osrednja uporabljena metoda je bila metoda kalkulacije skupnih stroškov in ocena koeficienta ekonomičnosti (Ke). Rezultati analize kažejo, da je pitanje prašičev ob upoštevanju lastne cene žit ekonomsko upravičeno (Ke = 1,04). Koeficient ekonomičnosti predelave mesa v prleško tünko (Ke = 1,41), domače krvavice (Ke = 3,30), suhe domače klobase (Ke = 2,90), domačo tlačenko (Ke = 0,06) in ocvirke (Ke = 1,19) je pokazal, da je predelava ekonomsko precej bolj učinkovita kot le pitanje prašičev. Izjema pri predelavi mesa je predelava v domačo tlačenko, kjer rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je proizvodnja ekonomsko neučinkovita, saj je ocenjena vrednost koeficienta ekonomičnosti nižja od vrednosti 1. The main focus of the research was the economics of meat processing on a self-owned farm. The primary farm activity is fattening of pigs. The possibility to further process meat into finished products at the farm was analysed. It was presumed that the main on-farm activity would be the production of prleška tünka (cured meat preserved in melted pig fat typical for the Prlekija region), following traditional practices. However, the technological and economic model for processing meat into a variety of products was developed. The main method consisted of total cost calculation and coefficient of economics. The results of the analysis showed that fattening of pigs is economically acceptable (Ke = 1.04), when the cost of self-produced cereals is considered. The economics coefficients for prleška tünka (Ke = 1.41), home-made blood sausage (Ke = 3.30), home-made dry-cured sausages (Ke = 2.90), the home-made aspic sausage tlačenka (Ke = 0.06), and fat cracklings (Ke = 1.19) indicate that meat processing is economically far more efficient than just fattening of pigs. The only exception was, home-made aspic sausage tlačenka, for which the results of the analysis showed that its production is economically unviable, the estimated value of the economic coefficient being less than 1. |