The historical development and current status of alternative schools in Croatia

Autor: Radmanić, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Protner, Edvard
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Mnogi pedagogi, filozofi ali celo zdravniki so zaradi nezadovoljstva s tradicionalno šolo in šolskim sistemom poskušali ponuditi svoje pedagoške koncepte za izboljšanje izobraževalnega sistema. Nagnjenost k spremembi tradicionalne šole, osredotočene na vsebino, je privedla do ustvarjanja pedagoškega pluralizma, ki je v demokratični družbi neizogiben in se nenehno spreminja. Vzpostavljajo se številni pedagoški koncepti, ki se približujejo učencem in jih postavljajo v središče vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa. Čeprav alternativno izobraževanje od 19. stoletja deluje skupaj z državnim izobraževalnim sistemom, ti modeli pogosto niso znani širšemu krogu ljudi in starši običajno niso seznanjeni s ponudbo šol, kar vodi do zavrnitve takšnega sistema izobraževanja. Da bi podrobneje pojasnili in izpostavili alternativne šole na Hrvaškem, smo najprej proučili njihov zgodovinski razvoj, in sicer v kontekstu reformske pedagogike ob koncu 19. in začetku 20. stoletja. Danes na Hrvaškem delujeta le montessori in waldorfska alternativna šola, ki sta glavni ustvarjalki pluralizma v izobraževanju, ki je še vedno v začetnih fazah razvoja. S tem razlogom je to magistrsko delo skromen prispevek k širjenju idej alternativnega izobraževanja. Dissatisfied with the traditional school and the system, many pedagogues, philosophers or even doctors have tried to offer their pedagogical concepts to improve the education system. The tendency to change the traditional content-focused school has led to the creation of pedagogical pluralism, which in a democratic society is inevitable and constantly changing. There are numerous pedagogical concepts that are approaching students and put them at the heart of the educational process. Although alternative education has been operating since the 19th century, along with the state education system, these models are often not known to a wider circle of people, and parents are usually not familiar with what schools offer, which leads to the refusal of such an education system. In order to clarify and highlight the alternative schools in Croatia, we first examined their historical development, which was studied in the context of reform pedagogy at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Today, only montessori and waldorf alternative schools operate in Croatia, which are the main creators of pluralism in education, which is still in its early stages of development. For this reason, this task is a modest contribution to spreading the ideas of alternative education.
Databáze: OpenAIRE