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Diplomsko delo predstavlja način, kako sanirati neko hišo. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela: teoretični del in praktični del. Prvi del poda informacije o standardih, ki jih moramo izpolniti, da bi lahko hišo uvrstili med pasivno gradnjo. Drugi del diplomskega dela je praktičen. V njem je predstavljen sedanji videz hiše z izračunanimi vsemi toplotnimi izgubami, opisani pa so tudi uporabljeni materiali za sanacijo hiše ter njen končni videz. V zadnjem poglavju je opravljena ekonomska analiza vseh stroškov in prihrankov ter izračunana vračilna doba. This thesis that's before you represents and the describes the principles of how to refurbish a certain house. The thesis is split into two parts: the theoretical and the practical part. The first part gives us all of the information on different standards that we need to comply with in order to be able to classify our house as a passive building. The second part on the other hand is more practicly oriented, in which we present the house with the calculations of all of it's heat losses in the current form, while also describing different types of materials that were used in the refurbishment of the house and it's final appearance. In the last chapter we made an economic analysis of all of the costs and savings and have calculated the payback period. |