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Namen prispevka: Namen prispevka je predstaviti varnostne razsežnosti posledic klimatskih sprememb, predstaviti in analizirati dosedanje raziskave o zaznavanju klimatskih sprememb kot grožnje varnosti in izmeriti stopnjo njihovega zaznavanja na populaciji študentov dveh slovenskih fakultet, ki se ukvarjajo s proučevanjem varnosti in/ali klimatskih sprememb, zaradi česar gre pričakovati, da imajo bolj izdelana stališča do proučevane tematike. Metode: Uporabljena je analiza primarnih in sekundarnih virov, vključno s pregledom raziskav evropskega in nacionalnega javnega mnenja ter metoda anketiranja študentov Fakultete za varnostne vede Univerze v Mariboru in Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani o zaznavanju klimatskih sprememb kot grožnje varnosti. Ugotovitve: Tako prebivalci Slovenije kot študenti Fakultete za varnostne vede in Biotehniške fakultete klimatske spremembe zaznavajo kot resno grožnjo, predvsem v globalnem smislu, a še vedno manjšo v primerjavi z ekonomsko-socialnimi dejavniki ogrožanja varnosti na svetovni in nacionalni ravni. Med študenti ni opaziti razlike v zaznavi klimatskih sprememb kot grožnje varnosti. Študenti obeh fakultet v povprečju menijo, da klimatske spremembe ogrožajo predvsem svetovno varnost in manj varnost v Sloveniji in varnost posameznika. Kljub temu ocenjujejo, da jih klimatske spremembe danes ogrožajo bolj kot pred petimi leti. Študenti Fakultete za varnostne vede močneje zaznavajo pojavne oblike klimatskih sprememb v primerjavi s študenti Biotehniške fakultete. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave: Raziskava je bila narejena samo na študentski populaciji, zato bi jo bilo koristno ponoviti tudi na populaciji prebivalcev Slovenije. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: V raziskavi so sodelovali študenti, za katere lahko sklepamo, da o učinkih klimatskih sprememb zaradi kurikuluma njihovih fakultet verjetno vedo več kot študenti drugih fakultet. Zato je iz njihovih odgovorov možno predvidevati, kakšno bi bilo zaznavanje klimatskih sprememb pri drugih, na tem področju »manj ozaveščenih« študentov. Ta spoznanja bi bilo mogoče uporabiti pri vnašanju vsebin s področja klimatskih sprememb v druge visokošolske študijske programe. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the security dimension of the consequences of climate changes to present and analyse the existing researches on the perception of climate changes as a security threat and to measure the perception of climate changes by the population of students of two Slovenian faculties, dealing with study of security and/or climate change, which is why it is expected that they have more clear attitudes on the study topic. Design/Methods/Approach: An analysis of the primary and secondary sources, including a review of European and national public opinion studies was used. Survey on the perception of climate changes as a security threat was conducted among students of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security (University of Maribor) and students of the Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana). Findings: Both, inhabitants of Slovenia and students of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security and the Biotechnical Faculty perceive climate changes as a serious threat, particularly in the global context. However, they think that socio-economic threats to security on global and national level are even more serious. There are no differences in the perception of climate change as a security threat among the students. In average, students of both faculties think that climate changes threaten mostly global security and only then the security of Slovenia and safety of the individual. Nevertheless, they estimate that climate changes threaten them more than five years ago. Compared to students of the Biotechnical Faculty, students of the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security strongly perceive forms (consequences) of climate changes. Research Limitations / Implications: The survey was conducted only among the student population, so it would be useful to repeat it on the population of Slovenia. Originality/Value: The survey involved students for which it can be assumed that they probably know climate changes effects due to the curriculum of their faculties better than students of other faculties. Therefore, it might be possible to anticipate (from their responses) what would be the perception of climate changes of other, “less informed” students in this field. These findings could be used in integration of climate change content in other higher education programmes. |