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Implementacije celovitih programskih rešitev so v poslovnem svetu stalnica dobrih 40 let, praktično od samih pričetkov, ko je informatika začela podpirati osnovne poslovne procese v organizacijah. Tekom časa je bilo razvitih veliko metodologij, pristopov ter dobrih praks, vseeno globalna statistika za l. 2015 (in pretekla leta) kaže, da je več kot polovica projektov implementacije izven t. i. projektnega trikotnika oz. izven dogovorjenih dimenzij projekta, kar pomeni odklon od obljubljenega in dejansko realiziranega. Magistrsko delo, preko statistik in strokovne literature, obravnava trenutno stanje na področju implementacij, fokusirano v segmentu malega in srednje velikega podjetništva, ter tehnološke komponente oblaka. Izpostavljeni so kritični dejavniki uspeha, ki kasneje tvorijo izhodišča za model implementacije. Oblikovana je problemska teza − izvedba implementacij v praksi ni takšna, kot je želja naročnika in izvajalca. Dodatno je ta teza podkrepljena z raziskovanjem − polstrukturiranimi intervjuji implementatorjev, preko katerih so oblikovana problemska izhodišča. Osnova za tvorbo novega modela implementacije so agilne metode, ki so pri razvoju programske opreme stalnica, pri implementacijah celovitih programskih rešitev pa se strokovna literatura navezuje na prediktivne modele. Osnova za nov model je proces blagovno-materialnega poslovanja (nabava in prodaja), kjer se analizira proces v obliki matrike ključnih elementov, ki se jim določi priotiteta in način izvedbe. To je nadaljnja zasnova modela implementacije, ki se evalvira preko prototipnega modela in izpostavi merilke (kot osnovna za vodenje projekta). Predvideni učinki novega modela so: a) celovito vodenje projekta glede na spoznanje dela s Scrumban agilno metodo, b) vpletanje vseh deležnikov v projekt, skupaj s časovno in vsebinsko merilko, kaj in kdaj kdo dela, c) izboljšana sledljivost projekta, morala in pripadnost vseh vpletenih, d) zmanjšano tveganje odklona od dogovorjene izvedbe projekta. The implementation of integrated software solutions has been a constancy in the business world for more than 40 years, practically since its very beginning as information technology began to support core business processes in organizations. During the course of time many methodologies, approaches and good practices were developed, however, the global statistics for 2015 (and the years prior to that) show that more than half of the projects of implementation are outside the so-called project triangle, or outside the agreed dimensions of the project, which is a deviation from what has been promised and what has actually been realized. Through statistics and technical literature, the Master's Thesis examines the current state of implementations, focusing on the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as technological components in the cloud. The critical success factors are exposed, which later form the starting points for the model of implementation. A hypothesis is formed – the execution of the implementation in practice is not in line with the wishes of the contracting authority and the contractor. Additionally, this theory is substantiated by research – the semi-structured interviews by the implementers, through which the starting points to the problem are formulated. The basis for the formation of a new model of implementation are the agile methods, which are a constancy in software development, whereas in the case of implementations of integrated software solutions, specialized literature refers to predictive modelling. The basis for the new model is the process of buying and selling goods, where the process is analyzed in the form of a matrix of key elements, assigned with a priority and manner of implementation. This is the further concept of the model of implementation, which is evaluated through a prototype model exposing a measurments (as the basis for managing the project). The expected effects of the new model are: a) the overall management of the project in relation to the realization of work with the Scrumban agile method, b) the involvement of all participants in the project, along with the timing and content measurments overseeing who is working and when, c) improved traceability of the project, morale and loyalty of all those involved, d) reduced risk of deviation from the agreed execution of the project. |