Autor: Plošnik, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Goriup, Jana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Nasilje med vrstniki v drugem triletju osnovne šole je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del obsega najprej sam opis pojava – bullying. Kasneje preidemo na oblike nasilja in spregovorimo o značilnostih vpletenih v nasilje med vrstniki torej o žrtvah, nasilnežih in opazovalcih nasilja. Ker se tudi v empiričnem delu osredotočimo na razlike med spoloma, jih v teoretičnem delu opišemo. Prav je, da pri nasilju poznamo tudi razloge, vzroke za to, zakaj se nekdo odloči oz. reagira nasilno, kaj želi s tem doseči in ravno o tem je govora pri naslednji postavki teoretičnega dela. Če že pride do nasilnega vedenja, je zelo pomembno, da vemo, kako se na to odzvati in predvsem, kako takšnim učencem pomagati, tako žrtvi kot nasilnežu. Pri tem pa ima poseben pomen tudi šola kot institucija in vsi delavci v njej. Tako ravnatelj, učitelji z reagiranjem na nasilje, kot tudi čistilke z zgledom. V empiričnem delu želimo z vprašalnikom, ki so ga izpolnjevali osnovnošolci druge triade Osnovne šole v Slovenj Gradcu, ugotoviti, kateri spol je bolj podvržen zapaženemu nasilju v osnovni šoli in če starost anketirane populacije vpliva na doživljanje in izvajanje nasilja med vrstniki. Prav tako želimo ugotoviti, ali so učitelji dovolj dovzetni za reagiranje na nasilje v šoli. Dotaknemo pa se tudi družine anketirancev. Ali med družinskimi člani poteka dovolj pogovorov o nasilju, o reševanju nasilja? Kakšno je zaupanje med družinskimi člani? The diploma work with the title Violence among peers in the second triad of primary school is divided into the theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part begins firstly with describing the phenomenon – bullying. Later it moves on to different forms of violence and characteristics of the participants involved in peer violence: the victims, the bullies and the viewers of the violent acts. As the empirical part focuses on differences between sexes they are described in the theoretical part. It is important to understand the reasons for violence, to understand why someone decides to react with violence and what is the purpose of such behaviour. This exactly is the topic of the next chapter of the theoretical part. If there is an occurrence of violent behaviour it is very important to know how to react to it and mostly how to help such students, the victims as well as the participants and viewers. The school as an institution plays a very important role in all this along with all the employees. This includes the headmaster and teachers and their reactions to the violence as well as the cleaning staff as they set an important example. The empirical part shows results of a questionnaire that was given to primary school pupils in the second triad of the primary school Slovenj Gradec. The goal was to find out which sex is more likely to be a target of violence in the primary school and is the age of the questioned population affects the experience and the enforcement of violence among peers. The goal is also to find out if the pupils trust the teachers enough to turn to them in these situations. The topic also touches the families of the questioned children. Is the discussion of violence and solving such problems a topic discussed in the family? What are the trust levels among family members?
Databáze: OpenAIRE