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Diplomsko delo obravnava dopustnost blokad spletnih strani ponudnikov internetnih iger na srečo s strani državnih organov v RS in znotraj EU, varstvo osebnih podatkov in varstvo zasebnosti pri uporabnikih spletnih iger na srečo in potrditev omejenega delovanja iger na srečo z odločbami Sodišča EU. Razmah interneta in njegova uporaba pri posameznikih sta omogočila obiskovanje igralnice kar od doma, kar je marsikaterega potencialnega igralca spremenilo v realnega in s tem razširilo trg igralniških storitev. Področje iger na srečo ni predmet unifikacije in pravne harmonizacije znotraj EU, je dejavnost, ki sama po sebi ni dovoljena. Države članice EU imajo na tem področju skupne cilje pri urejanju javnega reda (preprečevanje pranja denarja, organiziranega kriminala, goljufij, korupcije), družbenega reda (preprečevanje zasvojenosti, zaščita mladoletnih in izpostavljenih oseb) in varstva potrošnikov (igre na srečo morajo biti poštene in pregledne, njihovi upravljavci pa neoporečni). V RS spletne igralnice prirejajo igre na srečo po veljavni zakonodaji in niso posebna vrsta iger na srečo, temveč le poseben način prirejanja iger na srečo. Prirejajo jih lahko le gospodarske družbe, ki imajo koncesijo, in sicer le tisto spletno igro na srečo, ki se določi v koncesijski pogodbi in imajo svoj spletni igralni sistem povezan v informacijski sistem nadzornega organa. Če pri opravljanju nadzora nadzorni organ ugotovi, da se igre na srečo prirejajo v nasprotju z zakonom, koncesijsko pogodbo, sprejetimi pravili ali splošnimi akti, izda odločbo za odpravo ugotovljenih nepravilnosti. V Sloveniji ponudniki dostopa do internetnih strani in interneta podatke le posredujejo preko svojega omrežja. Onemogočanje dostopa do vsebin v komunikacijskih omrežjih ponudniku storitve dostopa do interneta lahko naloži le sodišče in sicer zaradi odkrivanja in preprečevanja kaznivih dejanj, varstva zasebnosti, varovanja tajnih podatkov, ohranjanja socialnega reda in zasvojenosti z igrami na srečo. Pri nezakonitem prirejanju iger na srečo je najbolj pereč problem prirejanje iger na srečo preko interneta s strani tujih pravnih oseb, ki nimajo koncesije. Zaradi tehnologije je najbolj na udaru informacijska zasebnost, pri kateri je potrebno zaščititi pretok in posredovanje podatkov. Zasebnost je v RS zakonsko zavarovana, posegi vanjo pa so dopustni le v zakonsko določenih primerih z jasnim namenom obdelave. Zagotovljena je zakonitost, poštenost, načelo sorazmernosti in prepoved diskriminacije. Sodišče EU v vsakem posamičnem primeru presoja spoštovanje načel EU in v nobenem ni odločilo, da so igre na srečo predmet popolnoma prostega pretoka storitev, dopušča uvedbo monopola v zvezi s prirejanjem iger na srečo. Odločitev za takšen način regulacije je posledica tehtnega premisleka o razlogih, zaradi katerih je po ustaljeni sodni praksi Sodišča EU dovoljeno uvesti tako strogo omejitev konkurence na teh področjih prirejanja. Sodišče EU v zvezi z dopustnostjo monopola posebej izpostavlja pogoj, da mora uvedba temeljiti na ugotovitvi, da kriminalne dejavnosti v zvezi z igrami na srečo predstavljajo problem. V diplomskem delu sem dokazala, da igre na srečo niso predmet popolnoma prostega pretoka storitev znotraj EU, ampak so dopuščene omejitve, ki izhajajo iz javnega interesa zaščite igralcev, preprečevanja zasvojenosti, pranja denarja in drugih kaznivih dejanj. Vsaka država članica mora tako na podlagi lastne lestvice vrednot presojati zahteve za varstvo interesov. V diplomskem delu sem zavrnila hipotezo, da omejitev dostopa do internetnih strani s strani državnih organov pomeni nesorazmeren poseg v svobodo internetnega prometa ter hkrati kršitev posameznikovih osebnostnih pravic in poseg v pravico do zasebnosti, saj so prav zaradi specifične narave področja dopuščene določene omejitve na tem področju, ki pa morajo izhajati iz prevladujočega javnega interesa zaradi zaščite igralcev, preprečevanja zasvojenosti, pranja denarja in drugih kaznivih dejanj. The thesis deals with the admissibility of blocking the gambling websites by state bodies of the RS and the EU, the protection of personal data in these games, protection of privacy for users of online gambling and confirmation of the limited operation gambling decisions of the ECJ. The expansion of the Internet and its use with individuals made it possible to visit casinos directly from home. This has turned many potential players into real ones and broadened the market for gaming services. Gambling is not subject to legal unification and harmonization within the EU, the activity on itself it is not allowed. The EU Member States have common goals in the regulation of public policy (prevention of money laundering, organized crime, fraud, corruption), social policy (prevention of addiction, protection of minors and vulnerable persons) and consumer protection (gambling must be fair, transparent and their managers impeccable). In RS online casinos organize gambling under the applicable law. This is not considered a special type of gambling, but only a particular way of organizing the gaming. Only companies that hold concessions are allowed to organize it and only the online gambling which is established in the concession contract and has its online gaming system connected to the information system of the supervisory authority has a permission to function. If - in the course of supervision - supervisory authority finds out that gambling is held in violation of the law, the concession contract and the accepted rules or general acts - a demand to remove deficiencies is made. In Slovenia, internet access providers transmit data only through their own network. Only the court can disable the access to communication networks due to detection and prevention of crime, protection of privacy and classified information, the maintenance of social order and prevention of gambling addiction. The most serious problem with gambling via the Internet are foreign legal entities that do not have concessions. Due to modern technology the internet privacy its very vulnerable, that is why it is necessary to protect the flow and dissemination of data. Privacy is protected by law in the RS, interferences are permitted only in cases specified by law with the clear purpose of the processing. It insures legality, fairness, proportionality and non-discrimination. EU Court of Justice in each individual case examines the principles of the EU and so far it has never been decided that gambling is the subject of completely free movement of services. It allows the introduction of a monopoly in relation to gaming. Decision for such way of regulation is the result of a thorough consideration about the reasons by which - according to settled case-law of the ECJ – it is allowed to introduce such a severe restriction of competition in these matters. EU Court of Justice - in relation to the admissibility of the monopoly - particular emphasis on the requirement that introduction must be based on findings that the criminal activity in connection with gambling present a problem. In the thesis I demonstrated that gambling is not the subject of completely free movement of services within the EU, but contains restrictions arising from public interest to protect players, prevent addiction, money laundering and other crimes. Each Member State must, according to its own scale of values, assess the requirements for the protection of the interests. In the thesis I reject the hypothesis that restricting access to Internet sites by public authorities is a disproportionate interference with the freedom of the Internet traffic and at the same time violation of an individual's personal rights and interference with the privacy right. Due to the specific nature of the field it allows some restrictions in this area, which must be based on public interest in order to protect players, addiction prevention, money laundering and other crimes. |