Autor: Valtl, Peter
Přispěvatelé: Rimele, Oto
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Idejo za izdelavo diplomskega dela sem dobil v času svojega poučevanja, saj se v poklicu vsakodnevno srečujem s prepletanjem glasbe in likovne umetnosti. Začelo me je zanimati, kaj imata ti dve umetnosti skupnega ter kaj ju povezuje oziroma na kakšen način sta povezani. Predvsem sem želel raziskati obdobje konec 19. stoletja ter v začetku 20. stoletja, saj sem ob prebiranju različne literature ugotovil, da se je v tem obdobju začelo razvijati vedno več novih smeri v glasbi in slikarstvu. Vse to me je pripeljalo k razmišljanju o omenjenih umetniških smereh ter tudi k diplomskemu delu z naslovom Sinteza zvoka in podobe. Za boljše razumevanje prepletanja različnih umetniških zvrsti sem v prvem delu diplomske naloge najprej pojasnil delovanje različnih človeških čutov – vizualni in slušni sistem, ki omogočajo, da lahko glasbo slišimo ter umetniška dela vidimo. Vsi ti čuti nam omogočajo, da dobimo informacije iz okolja neovirano. Opisal sem tudi sinestezije, soobčutje, ki je vplivalo na razvoj glasbe in slikarstva oziroma na prepletanje obeh umetnostnih zvrsti. Za boljše razumevanje celotnega fenomena sem v teoretičnem delu pojasnil in raziskal obdobja, v katerih so se te zvrsti umetnosti prepletale. Tako spoznamo obdobje ekspresionizma in impresionizma, v katerem ustvarjata Vasilij Kandinski in Aleksander Skrjabin. V diplomskem delu je poudarek predvsem na Vasiliju Kandinskem ter Aleksandru Skrjabinu, zato je obravnavana njuna glasbena ter slikarska pot in pogled na ustvarjanje. Dodani so različni prikazi ter interpretacije, ki so pomembno izhodišče praktičnega dela. V tem času je nastalo prvo abstraktno delu Vasilija Kandinskega. Povezava med glasbo in slikarstvom mu je prinesla nov način razmišljanja ter ustvarjanja. Ni samo glasba vplivala na likovne umetnike, temveč so tudi glasbeniki našli izziv oziroma navdih v likovnih delih. Likovna umetnost in glasba se prepletata že skozi celotno človeško zgodovino. Likovne umetnike glasba navdušuje, z njo živijo, jo čutijo ali pa jo enostavno vidijo. Pri vsem tem pa tudi glasbeniki znajo brati različna likovna dela. Tako so posamezne slike interpretirane s parametri, kot da bi se izvajala določena glasba – vpliv zvoka in podobe. V praktičnem poglavju je osrednji cilj oziroma del naloge predstavitev nekaterih umetniških del Kandinskega. Zanimal me je predvsem njegov pristop k ustvarjanju določenih umetniških del. Kot je bilo omenjeno že prej, so tudi glasbeniki našli izziv oziroma navdih v likovnih delih. Eden izmed bolj znanih je bil Aleksander Skrjabin ter njegovo delo z naslovom Prometej – Pesnitev ognja. S tem delom se je poslužil novih barvnih, instrumentalnih in sinestetičnih efektov. Kot slovenski skladatelj je omenjen Ivo Petrić ter Groharjeve impresije II. Sledi podrobno raziskovanje življenja in dela dveh umetnikov, katerih umetnosti se v njunih delih prepletajo. Iz pridobljenih virov, od koder izhajata Vasilij Kandinski ter Aleksander Skrjabin, sem podrobneje raziskal njuno življenje, delovanje ter medsebojni vpliv obeh umetnikov. Z diplomskim delom sem želel dokazati vpliv glasbe in slikarstva na posameznika ter prepletanje obeh umetnostnih zvrsti. The idea for this diploma emerged during my many years of teaching. In my professional life, I am daily confronted with the intertwining of music and fine arts. I became curious as to what these two art forms have in common and which elements connect them. In particular, I wanted to research the period at the end of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th century, because I realized, while reading different materials from these periods, that it was during this time, that numerous new currents in music and fine arts emerged. All this has led me to the research of the aforementioned art forms and to the development of this thesis titled: “Synthesis of Sound and Image”. For a better understanding of the link between the different art genres, I started the thesis with an explanation of the different human senses, visual and auditory systems that enable us to see music and hear fine arts. All these senses enable us to receive information from our environment directly. I have also described the different feelings synesthesia that influence the development of music and fine arts the two artistic currents prevailing in this thesis. For a better understanding of the phenomena, I explain and explore the different periods in which these artistic currents intertwined. That is how we get to know the periods of expressionism and impressionism in which Wassily Kandinsky and Alexander Scriabin worked and lived and that is why in this paper I talk about their careers and their view on art creation as a whole. Additionally to that, I included different views and interpretations which form the base point of the practical part. During this time Kandinsky's first abstract work was created. The connection between music and fine arts has enabled him a new way of thinking and artistic creating. It was, however, not only music that influenced the painters but also did musicians find new inspirations in fine arts. Fine arts and music have been intertwined throughout human history. Painters are excited by music they live with it, feel it or see it. Musicians, too, can read different pieces of visual art. That is why some paintings are interpreted with parameters used to describe how music influences image. In the chapter focusing on the practical aspects of my research, the focal point are the depictions of Kandinsky’s art pieces. I have been mostly interested by his approach to the creation of different art pieces. But it was not just music that influenced painters. Musicians, too, found inspiration in visual art. One of the more famous ones was Alexander Scriabin with his work Prometheus- the Poem of Fire. With this work he took advantage of new color-, instrumental-, and synesthetic effects. As countrymen, the Slovenian composer Ivo Petrić and »Groharjeve Impresije II.« are mentioned. What follows is a detailed exploration of the life and work of two artists whos arts and works are interconnected. From the acquired sources I have researched their life's works and the influence they had on one another in detail. In this thesis, I wanted to prove the influence music and fine arts have on individuals and the intertwining of both.
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