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Vinjetna metafora je izšla iz avtorjevih disonanc ob subjektivnem dojemanju stvarnosti in slogovnega pluralizma ob koncu prejšnjega stoletja. Oblikovala se je iz izhodiščnih območij snovno lepega in grdega, razvijanja osnovnih pojmovnih metafor ter povezovanja sorodnih mikrostrukturnih metafor v obsežnejša in cankarjansko prepoznavna metaforična polja. The vignette metaphor was derived from the author's dissonances in his subjective perception of reality and from the stylistic pluralism at the end of the 19th c. It was formed from the fundamentals of material beauty and ugliness, development of the basic conceptual metaphors, and the connection of related microstructural metaphors into larger, recognizably Cankarian metaphoric fields. |