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Magistrsko delo vsebuje prikaze nekaterih metod dela z otroki in mlajšimi mladoletniki. V želji po čim boljšem delu na tem področju in optimizaciji metod, smo omenil običajne pa tudi morda nekoliko manj običajne metode dela. Prikazane so osnove razvojne psihologije, osnove aserativne in nesugestivne komunikacije, rezultati raziskav ter neverbalni znaki, ki lahko opozarjajo na otroku škodljivo dogajanje. Bežno smo se dotaknili zakonodaje ter nekaj vrstic namenili tudi željam otrok. Prikazali smo tudi položaj, v kakršnem se otroci znajdejo kot priče. Nismo si zastavili cilja prikazati celoten postopek (bodisi policije ali tožilstva) pridobivanja informacij, temveč le metode, ki so manj uporabljene, poznane oz. se iz katerih drugih razlogov preprosto ne izvajajo. Prav tako smo želeli opozoriti na nekaj pogostih napak. Gre torej za nadgradnjo klasičnih preiskovalnih tehnik. A nikakor ne gre pričakovati, da smo odkrili nekaj novega, revolucionarnega in preprostega. Prikazujemo le metode, ki zahtevajo ogromno znanja in trdega dela, poudarjajo pa tudi pomen izkušenj. Hkrati ne dopuščajo prostora za stereotipe, predsodke, »rutino« in podobne »tihe sovražnike« uspešnega policijskega dela. Preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj ni nikoli enostavno. Otroci predstavljajo dejavnik, ki preiskavo lahko še oteži. A težava ni v otrocih, njihove sposobnosti lahko, ob pravilnem postopanju, celo presežejo sposobnosti običajne priče. Vprašanje ni, kako dobre priče so otroci, temveč kako dobri izpraševalci (in opazovalci) so tisti, ki želijo pridobiti neko informacijo. In the present MA thesis we presented some of the investigation methods which are used when working with children and young teenagers. In search of best results and optimal methodology, we resumed some traditional as well as some less common methods. We focused on developmental psychology, basics of assertive communication without suggestibility results of existing research and nonverbal communication, which might indicate damaging procedures. We also mentioned the legislation and children's wishes. We briefly presented the position of a child as a witness. Rather than presenting the entire procedure of gathering the information (carried out either by the police or the prosecution) the aim of the graduation paper were the methods which are less commonly used, known or not applied for other reasons. We also pointed out some common mistakes that are often made. In this scope, this is a further development of classical investigation techniques. Nevertheless, this is mostly a presentation of existing methods that are neither simple nor new. Those methods require a lot of knowledge as well as hard work and devotion, not to mention experience. Stereotypes, prejudices, routine are not welcome here. Investigating crime is never simple. When children are involved, it might get even more complex. The problem is not the children themselves their abilities may - when they are treated well - supersede the abilities of adult witnesses. The question is not whether children can be good witnesses but how qualified are the investigators. |