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Ekološko kmetijstvo je način kmetovanja, ki pridobiva v slovenskem kmetijskem prostoru vse večji pomen. V diplomskem delu je bil izdelan preusmeritveni načrt za konvencionalno kmetijo Brancelj. Upravičenost pridelave smo ovrednotili z oceno ekonomskih parametrov. Ekonomska ocena kaže, da kmetija kljub manjšim spremembam po preusmeritvi v ekološko kmetovanje posluje ekonomsko uspešno (FR = 3.668,16 €). Ker se na kmetiji ukvarjajo tudi z gozdarsko dopolnilno dejavnostjo, smo s pomočjo ocene investicije analizirali, v katerem letu bi se investicija v to dejavnost tudi povrnila. Ugotovili smo, da se celotna investicija ob predpostavljenih parametrih analize povrne že v drugem letu (ocenjena vrednost neto sedanje vrednosti je 103.027,34 € pri 5,5-odstotni obrestni meri). Among different ways of farming, organic farming is getting more and more important in the Sloven agricultural area. In this thesis, a conversion plan was made for the conventional farm Brancelj. A production entitlement was evaluated with economic parameters. The economic evaluation shows that the farm, despite the small changes made after the restruction to ecological farming, is economically successful (FR = 3668.16 €). On the farm, they also conduct a supplementary forestry activity. For this reason, we analysed with the help of an investment evaluation, in which year the investment will be repaid. Via the presumed analysis parameters, it was found that the complete investment could be repaid next year (the estimated value of net present value is 103. 027.34 € at 5.5% interest rate). |