Autor: Travner, Nikolina
Přispěvatelé: Kranjc, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Splošni pogoji zavarovalnih pogodb predstavljajo pomemben mehanizem, ki zavarovalnicam omogoča, da vnaprej uredijo večje število istovrstnih pravnih razmerij. Ker splošne pogoje zavarovalnih pogodb pripravi samo ena stranka, torej zavarovalnica, velikokrat pride do primerov, ko so ti splošni pogoji za nasprotno stranko, zavarovalca, nepošteni in pretirano strogi. Pozitivna zakonodaja ureja nepoštene in pretirano stroge pogoje pogodb z določbo, da so pogoji nepošteni in pretirano strogi, ko drugi stranki jemljejo pravico ugovorov, s katerimi stranka izgubi pravice iz pogodbe ali roke oziroma so sicer nepravični ali pretirano strogi zanjo. Kdaj so neki pogoji nepošteni in pretirano strogi, pa se določa od primera do primera in je odvisno od konkretnih okoliščin. General terms and conditions of insurance contrasts represent an important mechanism which enables insurance companies to arrange a large number of similar legal relationships in advance. However, the fact that general terms and conditions are created by one of the parties only can lead into a situation where said terms and conditions are unfair and overly strict for the other party – the insurer. Therefore, unfair and overly restrictive terms and conditions are regulated by law which defines the conditions as being too strict when they preclude the other party's right to appeal and thus entail that party to lose their contract rights, or are otherwise unfair or too strict towards that other party. Moreover, unfair and overly restrictive terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, with regard to all the relevant circumstances of a case.
Databáze: OpenAIRE