Numerično modeliranje plavajočih montažnih navpičnih drenaž v večplastni zemljini

Autor: Ikhya, Ikhya, Schweiger, Helmut
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Acta geotechnica Slovenica, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 25-35, 2012.
ISSN: 1854-0171
Popis: This paper presents a comparison of field measurements and a numerical model of settlements based on the construction of an embankment on soft soil for the Cirebon Power Plant Project in Indonesia, where prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) were installed. In the numerical model, floating PVDs in two soil layers for two- and one-way drainage conditions are examined in order to determine the optimum penetration depth. In this study, good agreement between the field measurements of the settlements and the numerical prediction could be achieved. An interesting result of this study is that the differences in the stiffness and/or the permeability in the unimproved area below the PVD tip have a significant influence on the optimum penetration depth (L/H) in the two-soil-layer condition. The numerical study showed that it is possible to use floating PVDs in single drainage conditions if the second layer is stiffer and/or more permeable than the first layer. Članek prikazuje primerjavo terenskih meritev in numerični model posedanja nasipov na mehkih tleh v okviru indonezijskega projekta Cirebon Power Plant, kjer so bile nameščene montažne vertikalne drenaže (MVD). Za določitev optimalne globine namestitve drenaž so bile z numeričnim modelom preučene plavajoče MVD v dvoslojnih tleh pri pogojih dreniranja v eni in obeh plasteh. Študija je pokazala dobro ujemanje terenskih meritev posedanja z numeričnimi napovedmi. Zanimiv rezultat študije je, da razlike v togosti in/ali prepustnosti neizboljšane zemljine pod konico MVD pomembno vplivajo na optimalno penetracijsko globino (L/H) v dvoslojnih tleh. Numerična študija je pokazala, da se lahko plavajoče MVD uporabijo za enojno drenažo, če je druga plast bolj toga in/ali bolj prepustna kot prva plast.
Databáze: OpenAIRE