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Informacije lahko imajo visoko vrednost, še posebej če so zaupne narave in vsebujejo pomembne poslovne skrivnosti. Ravno zaradi te visoke vrednosti pa so velika tarča spletnih napadalcev, ki lahko s prodajo le teh na črnem trgu veliko zaslužijo. Institucije in podjetja obdelujejo ogromne količine podatkov, kjer so elektronski mediji in predvsem svetovni splet izredno uporabno orodje za hranjenje ter izmenjavo. Vendar toliko kolikor je uporaben internet legitimnim organizacijam, toliko je to tudi odlično sredstvo za osebe ali kriminalne združbe, ki se poskušajo teh informacij polastiti na nezakonit način. Ribarjenje je ravno eden izmed najbolj učinkovitih načinov za izvajanje tovrstnih deliktov dandanes. V diplomskem delu bomo navedli in podrobno razčlenili pet najbolj aktualnih metod, s katerimi kibernetski kriminalci izvajajo uspešne napade ter povzročajo organizacijam in podjetjem po celem svetu, ogromno finančno škodo. Za vsako metodo bomo uporabnikom svetovali, katere ukrepe sprejeti, da se zmanjšajo ali celo odpravijo morebitne škodljive posledice. Opredelili bomo ogrožanje, ki ga uporabnikom predstavlja ribarjenje, upoštevajoč razlike med starostjo, spolom in izpostavljenostjo Anti-Phishing treningom. Navedli bomo prednosti in slabosti, ki jih imajo mobilne naprave v zvezi s tovrstnimi napadi. Ribarjenje je kaznivo ravnanje, zato bomo predstavili pravno podlago za pregon v Sloveniji ter opisali povezavo, ki jo ima ribarjenje z drugimi kaznivimi dejanji. Na koncu bomo predstavili razlike, ki obstajajo med mladimi in odraslimi z vidika varnosti uporabe interneta, ter opisali zakaj do njih sploh pride. Information can be of high value, especially if they are confidential and contain trade secrets. And it is because of this high value that they are a big target for online attackers, who can earn a lot of money when selling these on the underground market. Institutions and companies process huge amounts of data, where the electronic media and World Wide Web are extremly useful tools for storing and sharing. However, as much as it is useful for the legitimate organizations, it is also an excellent tool for persons or criminal organizations, that are trying to get acces to these information in an unlawful manner. Phishing is indeed one of the most effective ways to commit these sorts of offenses. In our degree we will state and analyze in detail, five of the most current used methods, which are used by cyber attackers to carry out successful attacks and causing enormous financial loss to organizations and corporations worldwide. For every method we will also advise what safety measures a user should take, to reduce or even eliminate any potential negative consequences. We are going to define the user risk, caused by phishing, considering the differences between age, gender and exposure to Anti-Phishing education. We will point out the pros and cons, that are present with the use of mobile devices in relation to these kind of attacks. Phishing is a criminal act, so we are going to introduce you the legal standing used for criminal prosecution in Slovenia and describe its connection with other crimes. In the end we will show you the differences, that exist between youth and adults in safety of internet usage and explain why these occur. |