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Zaradi vedno večjega povpraševanja po mobilnosti poslovanja smo se odločili, da trenutno namizno aplikacijo TRONpos BackOffice, ki deluje v operacijskem sistemu Windows, migriramo v spletni brskalnik. Vsebina diplomskega dela opisuje delovanje, strukturo, analizo in način migracije obstoječe namizne aplikacije TRONpos BackOffice v spletni brskalnik. Zgrajena je z ogrodjem CSLA (Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture). Opisuje uporabljene tehnologije v že obstoječi namizni aplikaciji in del, kjer se mora aplikacija ločiti, da postane dostopna preko spletnega brskalnika. Aplikacija uporablja podatkovno bazo Microsoft SQL (Structured Query Language), ki s pomočjo ogrodja Entity Framework polni objekte ogrodja CSLA in preko Windows Presentation Fundation ter Telerik UI uporabniku v okolju Windows prikazuje podatke na namizni aplikaciji. Due to the increasing demand for business mobility, we decided to migrate the current desktop application "TRONpos BackOffice", which works in Windows, to a web browser. The thesis focuses on the operation, the structure, the analysis, and the method of migration of the existing desktop application "TRONpos BackOffice" that was built using the CSLA framework (Component-based Scalable Logical Architecture framework) into a web browser. Furthermore, the thesis describes the technologies used in the existing desktop application, and presents the part where the application needs to be separated to become accessible through a web browser. The application works with the Microsoft SQL (Structured Query Language) database, which uses the Entity Framework to fill CSLA objects, as well as the Windows Presentation Foundation and the Telerik UI to display user information on a desktop application in Windows. |