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V magistrskem delu je najprej predstavljeno splošno stanje s področja odvajanja odpadnih voda v Sloveniji in Evropski uniji. Zatem je analizirana zakonodaja na nivoju Republike Slovenije. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene vrste odpadne vode, kanalizacijski sistemi in objekti na kanalizacijskem omrežju. V študiji primera so preučene naloge upravljavca in izgradnja kanalizacijskega omrežja v občini Litija v naselju Litija. S pomočjo projektne dokumentacije, pridobljene od podjetja Institut za ekološki inženiring d.o.o., je ugotovljeno prejšnje stanje s pomanjkljivostmi ter analiziran projekt izgradnje novega kanalizacijskega omrežja ter čistilne naprave. Za stroškovno primerjavo je izbran krajši odsek, na katerem je najprej izveden hidravlični izračun za mešan ter ločen kanalizacijski sistem, nato pa je izvedena stroškovna analiza potrebnih investicij in ocena prednosti ter slabosti le teh. In this master thesis, overall situation in the field of waste water draining in Slovenia and European Union is first presented. After that, a legislation of the Republic of Slovenia is analysed. In the theoretical part, types of waste water, sewerage systems, and facilities on sewerage systems are presented. In the case study, tasks of manager and construction of a sewerage network in the municipality of Litija in the settlement Litija are examined. With the help of the project documentation, obtained from the company Ecological engineering institute d.o.o., the previous situation with weaknesses is established, and the project of construction of new sewerage system and wastewater treatment plant is analysed. For a cost comparison, a short section is selected, on which a hydraulic calculation for mixed and separated sewerage systems is first carried out, and then a cost analysis of the necessary investment and rating of their strengths and weaknesses is performed. |