Communication and linguistic competencies in the english language for the profession of the hotel receptionist

Autor: Sep, Urška
Přispěvatelé: Potočnik Topler, Jasna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Komuniciranje v angleškem jeziku predstavlja steber medsebojne komunikacije v turistični industriji. Izjemnega pomena pa je tudi pri poklicu hotelskega receptorja/hotelske receptorke, ki ima prvi stik z gostom, ko ta pride v hotel, zato je znanje in poznavanje terminologije, prilagojene za poklic receptorja/receptorke, ključno za uspešno sporazumevanje s tujimi gosti. V diplomskem delu nas je zanimalo, kakšno znanje angleškega jezika je potrebno za uspešno komunikacijo med gosti hotela in hotelsko recepcijo. Raziskava je pokazala, da pri sporazumevanju s tujimi gosti v izbranih hotelih na območju Maribora prevladuje angleščina, poznavanje predvidene terminologije pa nima tolikšnega pomena za uspešnejši potek komunikacije med tujimi gosti in hotelsko recepcijo, kot na primer to, kakšna oseba je hotelski receptor/hotelska receptorka in kako se pri svojem poklicu znajde. Communicating in the English language represents the pillar of communication in the tourism industry. English also has a great impact in the profession of the hotel receptionist, who represents the first contact with guests in the hotel industry, so knowing and understanding the terminology that is fundamental for the profession of the receptionist, is the key to successful communication with foreign guests. In the diploma thesis, we were interested as to what knowledge of the English language is required for the successful communication between foreign guests and a hotel reception. The research showed that English dominates in the communication with foreign guests at the hotel reception in the selected hotels in Maribor. Knowing the specific terminology for the hotel industry, does not play such an important role for more efficient communication between foreign guests and the hotel reception, what is important is what kind of a person a hotel receptionist is and how they do their work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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