Parents’ views on the National Assessment of Knowledge at the end of the second cycle of basic school

Autor: Škalič, Mateja, Ivanuš-Grmek, Milena
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 57-71, 2017.
ISSN: 1855-4431
Popis: V članku predstavljamo stališča staršev do nacionalnega preverjanja znanja ob koncu drugega vzgojnoizobraževalnega obdobja. Podrobneje prikazujemo stališča staršev do upravičenosti nacionalnega preverjanja znanja ter do spodbujanja otrok za priprave nanj. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo preverjanje znanja in natančneje predstavimo nacionalno preverjanje znanja, v nadaljevanju pa predstavimo rezultate raziskave, ki je bila izvedena v letu 2014. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 209 staršev šestošolcev iz Podravske in Pomurske regije. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je dosežek otroka na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja za starše dobra povratna informacija o otrokovem znanju, vendar menijo, da ne pokaže otrokovega celostnega znanja. Nadalje ugotavljamo, da starši s končano osnovno šolo ter starši, ki bivajo v Pomurski regiji, pripisujejo pomembnejšo vlogo pri spodbujanju otrok pri pripravah na nacionalno preverjanje znanja bolj učiteljem kot sebi. Rezultati raziskave nas tudi opozarjajo, da so učenci iz Pomurske regije z vidika vpletenosti staršev v manj stimulativnem okolju. The article presents parents' views on the National Assessment of Knowledge at the end of the second educational cycle of basic school. In more detail we present the views of parents on the necessity of the National Assessment of Knowledge and on encouraging children to prepare for it. In the theoretical part we define assessments and further present The National Assessment of Knowledge. We then proceed to present the results of a survey conducted in 2014. The study involved 209 parents of pupils in the 6th grade from the Podravje and Pomurje regions. The survey results show that the child's accomplishment at the National Assessment of Knowledge provides good feedback for the parents regarding the child's knowledge, however, they also believe it does not show a comprehensive overview of knowledge. Parents who have completed basic school and parents who live in the Pomurje region attribute a more prominent role in encouraging children to prepare for The National Assessment of Knowledge to the teachers, rather than to themselves. The survey results alert us to the fact that in terms of parents' involvement children from the Pomurje region live in a less stimulating environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE