Aleksander Dev in Ptuj

Autor: Murko, Eva
Přispěvatelé: Ciglenečki, Marjeta
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Aleksander Dev (1903—1967) je moderno usmerjen arhitekt, ki je deloval v Mariboru in bližnji okolici od tridesetih do šestdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja. Bil je eden od pionirjev mariborske moderne arhitekture v medvojnem času. Po končanem šolanju pri Jožetu Plečniku (1872—1957) v Ljubljani se je usmeril predvsem v funkcionalizem, opazijo pa se tudi odmevi ekspresionizma, stanovanjske gradnje devetnajstega stoletja in vplivi mentorja Plečnika. Njegov opus je širok in zajema predvsem stanovanjske in poslovne stavbe, počitniške koče, oblikovanje pohištva in notranje opreme, preureditev prostorov, v manjši meri tudi regulacije ulic, ukvarjanje s tipografijo. Pričujoče diplomsko delo obravnava arhitekturna dela Aleksandra, poznanega tudi pod imenom Saša, Deva na Ptuju, ki so nastala v tridesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja. Za boljše razumevanje se naloga na začetku osredotoči na Devove mariborske gradnje, to so stavba Osrednjega zavoda za zavarovanje delavcev (1930—1931), Hranilnica dravske banovine (1931—1932), Gospodarska zavarovalna zadruga Drava (1937—1940) ter Hutterjev blok (1940—1941). V primerjavi z omenjenimi se drugi del naloge posveti ptujskim gradnjam, to so Brenčičeva hiša, na kateri so opazni vplivi Plečnika, funkcionalistična Jedličkova hiša, enodružinska hiša Lešnik ter adaptacija obrambnega stolpa ob Dravi v Vinarski muzej, ki stoji na Dravski ulici, za katero je Dev leta 1937 pripravil regulacijski načrt. Gre za poskus umestitve teh projektov v Devov opus, ki še do danes ni bil sistematsko obdelan in kritično analiziran. Aleksander Dev (1903—1967) is a modern architect who worked in Maribor and its vicinity from the 1930s to the 1960s. He was one of the pioneers of modern architecture in Maribor. After graduating from Jože Plečnik (1872—1957) in Ljubljana, he focused primarily on functionalism, and in his work, echoes of expressionism, residential construction of the nineteenth century and the influence of mentor Plečnik can be noticed. His opus is wide and covers mainly residential and commercial buildings, holiday homes, furniture and interior design, room renovation, and to a lesser extent street regulation and typography. This thesis deals with the architectural works of Aleksander, also known as Saša Dev in Ptuj, which were created in the 1930s. For a better understanding, the thesis initially focuses on Dev's constructions in Maribor, that is the building of the Central Insurance Institute of Workers (1930—1931), the Dravska Banovina Savings Bank (1931—1932), Drava Economic Insurance Cooperative (1937—1940) and the Hutter apartment building (1940—1941). In comparison with the above, the second part of the thesis is dedicated to buildings in Ptuj, namely the Brenčič house, which was inspired by Plečnik, the functional Jedliček house, the Lešnik single-family house, and the adaptation of the defence tower along the Drava river to the Winery Museum on Dravska street, for which Dev prepared a regulation plan in 1937. This is an attempt to place these projects into Dev's opus, which has not been systematically processed and critically analyzed to this day.
Databáze: OpenAIRE