Nutritional status and quality of life of children

Autor: Drofelnik, Mojca
Přispěvatelé: Matejek, Črtomir
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti razlike med prehranjenostjo in kakovostjo življenja fantov ter deklet. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 236 otrok iz severovzhodne Slovenije, starih od 9 do 11 let. Od tega je bilo 123 fantov in 113 deklet. Podatke smo pridobili v okviru projekta Sodobni trendi telesnega, gibalnega in osebnostnega razvoja OŠ mladine – socialni status in življenjski slog sta pomembna dejavnika otrokovega razvoja. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo vnaprej pripravljenih anketnih vprašalnikov. Za ugotavljanje kakovosti življenja otrok je bil uporabljen Kindlov vprašalnik Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children, prilagojen za uporabo v Sloveniji iz originalne nemško-angleške verzije. Za izračun indeksa telesne mase smo vsakemu otroku odmerili njegovo stojno višino, odčitali telesno težo in na podlagi izmerjenih podatkov izračunali vrednosti indeksa telesne mase po formuli: kg⁄m^2 . Zbrane podatke smo obdelali z računalniškim programom SPSS Statistic 21.0 v okolju Windows. Za ugotavljanje razlik v kakovosti življenja glede na status prehranjenosti je bila uporabljena analiza variance (ANOVA). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v kakovosti življenja glede na status prehranjenosti za fante. Dekleta se v kakovosti življenja glede na status prehranjenosti statistično ne razlikujejo. Fantje z normalno telesno težo sicer poročajo o višji kakovosti življenja, vendar pa se skupina fantov z debelostjo postavlja na drugo mesto in šele nato skupina fantov s čezmerno telesno težo. Tako kot fantje o najvišji kakovosti življenja poročajo dekleta z normalno telesno težo. Ugotovitve kažejo, da sicer za skupino fantov ne moremo govoriti o statistično pomembnih razlikah v kakovosti življenja, vendar je mogoče opaziti, da najvišjo kakovost življenja vrednotijo otroci z normalno telesno težo. Tako je kljub temu mogoče sklepati, da ima status prehranjenosti pomembno vlogo pri kakovosti življenja otrok. The purpose of this research was to find differences between the nutritional status and the quality of life of boys and girls. We included 236 children from the north-eastern part of Slovenia in this research, aged between 9 and 11 years old. 123 of these children were boys, while 113 were girls. We have received the data from a project called Modern Trends of Physical, Movement and Mental Development of Grade School Youth – Social Status and Lifestyle are an Important Factors of a Child’s Development. V have received the data with a pre-prepared survey questionnaire. To determine life quality of children, we used Kindles questionnaire Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children, adapted for the usage in Slovenia from the original German-English version. For the purpose of calculating body mass index of children, we measured each child’s height and weight and on the basis of measured data, we calculated the values of the body mass index based on the formula kg⁄m^2 . We processed the gathered data with a computer program called SPSS Statistic 21.0 for Windows. To identify the differences between the nutritional value and the quality of life, the variance analysis (ANOVA) was used. The results of the research have shown us that statistically characteristic differences exist, based on the quality of life and the nutritional status of boys. Girls do not differ from one another, considering the nutritional status. Boys with normal body weight report of a higher life quality, however, the group of boys with obesity are placed in second place, followed by the group of boys with excessive body weight. Similar to boys with normal body weight, girls with normal body weight report of a higher quality of life as well. The findings show us that we cannot conclude that the quality of life of boys is a significant factor, however, there are noticeable differences that are connected to the higher quality of life and normal body weight. We can therefore assume that the nutritional status has an important role in the quality of life of children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE