Autor: Leskovar, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Kraljić, Suzana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Slovenske Konjice
Popis: Otrokom pripadajo temeljne človekove pravice in svoboščine, v skladu z njihovo starostjo in zrelostjo. Te so opredeljene v številnih mednarodnopravnih aktih, med katerimi sem najpomembnejše v svojem diplomskem delu tudi omenila. Otrokom pripada posebno varstvo in skrb, zato jim pripadajo tudi posebne pravice, opredeljene v Konvenciji ZN o otrokovih pravicah, Evropski konvenciji o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic in v drugih aktih. V diplomskem delu so omenjeni tudi Ustava RS, zakoni, ki dajejo otroku kot bolniku določene pravice in relevantni predpisi s področja zdravstva. Za boljše razumevanje področja otrokovih pravic je potrebno najprej opredeliti pojem otroka, razložiti njegov prehod od objekta pravic k subjektu, ter opisati njegove pravice. Ne moremo mimo roditeljske pravice, zastopanja na splošno in posebej zastopanje otroka na področju zdravstva. V diplomski nalogi bom med drugim predstavila pravne akte, ki urejajo pravice, ki jih ima otrok kot bolnik. Osredotočila se bom samo na tisti del, ki je zanje pomemben in ne toliko na akte kot celoto. Podrobneje bom predstavila pravice otrok v bolnišnici kot izhajajo iz tako imenovane »Magne Charte« za pravice otrok v bolnišnici. Posebej so poudarjene pravica do prisotnosti staršev in do sobivanja staršev v bolnišnici, pojasnilna dolžnost in pravica do soudeležbe pri odločitvah. Predstavila bom tudi organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo s pravicami otrok, ki jih imajo kot bolniki in nazadnje še kot zanimivost, kako se uresničujejo pravice otrok, ki jih imajo v bolnišnici, v svetu in Evropi na podlagi raziskav, ki so bile predstavljene na spletni strani EACH. Children, are entitled, children particular fundamental human rights and freedoms in accordance with their age and maturity. [These] are defined in a number of international legal acts, most of which will be mentioned in this thesis. Children are entitled to special protection and care, and this is why they enjoy special rights as defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights and other regulations. The constitution, legislation regarding the child patient rights, as well as relevant regulations in the health sector will all be mentioned in this thesis. In order to better understand the rights of children it is necessary to define what a child is, to explain its transition from object to subject in terms of rights, and to describe what these rights are. It is of equal importance to discern the parental rights, the general representation of children and the representation of child patients in particular. In the thesis I will present legal acts regulating the rights of the child as a patient. I will focus only on the part that is relevant for them rather than the act as a whole. I will explain in detail the rights of children in the hospital as a result of the so-called "Magna Charta" for the rights of children in hospitals. A particular emphasis will be made on the right to the parental presence and to parents taking residence at the hospital for the duration of the child's stay, the explanatory duty parents to participate in the decision-making. I will also present organizations that handle with the rights children have as patients, and finally, as a point of interest, I will present how to exercise the rights of hospitalized children in both world-wide and in Europe, based on the research that was presented on the EACH website.
Databáze: OpenAIRE