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Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil sestaviti in predstaviti celoletni program za vadbo aerobike v drugem triletju osnovne šole, izvesti del predstavljenih ur in narediti evalvacijo izvedenih ur. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene gibalne potrebe otroka za zdrav način življenja, pojasnjen je izraz aerobika in njena kratka zgodovina ter vpliv aerobike na motorične sposobnosti otroka. Temu sledi opis priprave in načrtovanje pouka aerobike. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa je opisano, kje vse lahko uporabimo aerobiko v šoli. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen celoletni program za vadbo aerobike v šoli z vsebinami in s cilji. Ena izmed ur je bila tudi predstavljena, in sicer v petih različnih razredih. Temu pa je sledila evalvacija izvedene ure. V empirični raziskavi je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, raziskovalni vzorec pa je vključeval skupino 108-ih otrok. To so bili učenci četrtega, petega in šestega razreda, ki so sodelovali pri izvedeni uri aerobike. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki so ga učenci izpolnili po končani uri. Podatki so bili obdelani s kvantitativno obdelavo, izračunana je bila deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila ura dobro zastavljena in izpeljana tako za punce kot tudi za fante. Na osnovi teh rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da bi bilo možno aerobiko vključiti v program športne vzgoje v šoli in tudi kot interesno dejavnost izven šolskih ur. The main idea of my diploma was to introduce a year-long aerobics programme in the second triennium of primary school and, what is more, to performe and evaluate some areobics lessons. The theoretical part of my diploma explains what kind of exercise children need for a healthy life, the definition of the term aerobics and its short history. One of the aims was to show how aerobics effects children's motor skills. The theoretical part also covers planning and preparation of aerobics lessons. I concluded this part of my diploma with a list of possibilities where and in which areas aerobics can be used in school. The empirical part of my diploma is the actual year-long areobics programme with the contents and aims. I performed one of the aerobics lessons in five different classes. The lesson was immediately followed by an evaluation. To describe the data I used a descriptive research method in which I included 107 students. Those were students from the fourth, fifth and sixth grade that took part in the aerobics lessons. I obtained the data with a questionnaire which students had to fill in after the aerobics lesson. The data was processed with the quantitative analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the main features of the analysed data. The results showed that the lesson was well based and performed for both, girls and boys. These results show that aerobics can be included in the physical education classes as well as after school activities. |