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Jedrska energija predstavlja pomemben del proizvodnje električne energije v svetu, njen delež pa se z izgradnjami novih nuklearnih elektrarn povečuje. Le te veljajo ob normalnih pogojih obratovanja za zelo varne in zanesljive, hkrati pa tudi čiste vire, ki razen z jedrskimi odpadki ne predstavljajo obremenitve za okolje, vendar se to lahko v primeru napak operaterjev ali naravnih nesreč spremeni in konča s katastrofalnimi posledicami. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni sistemi, ki so pomemben člen med obratovanjem reaktorjev, ter tudi ob njihovih zaustavitvah, da se lahko te izvedejo varno. Po jedrski nesreči na Japonskem so se odprla številna vprašanja o varnosti ostalih nuklearnih elektrarn po svetu – med njimi tudi naše Nuklearne elektrarne Krško. Opisane so možnosti, da do nesreče s takšnimi posledicami sploh pride, v kolikor bi prišlo na območju elektrarne do naravnih nesreč (potresa, poplave), ter varnostni sistemi, ki bi bili uporabljeni pri gradnji drugega bloka in pomenijo večjo varnost v kritičnih pogojih obratovanja. Nuclear energy represents an essential part of the production of electrical energy in the world and this part is increasing by constructing new nuclear power plants. Under normal conditions of operation these power plants are believed to be very secure and reliable as well as clean resources. Except for the nuclear waste, they do not pose any threat to the environment however, in case of natural disasters or mistakes of the operators this may change and result in catastrofic consequences. The diploma presents the systems which are an important link not only during the operation of the reactors but also when these reactors are stopped, so that this can be carried ou safely. After the nuclear accident in Japan numerous questions have been raised about the security of other nuclear power plants in the world – among them is also our Nuclear power plant of Krško. I have described the possibilities in which accidents with these kinds of consequences could even occur in case there was a natural disaster like an earthquake or a flood in the power plant area. Security systems which would be used in the construction of the second unit and which denote a higher safety in the critical conditions of operation are also described. |