Capability of voice awareness for rhymes in two- and three- year children in private and public nursey

Autor: Dorner, Ines
Přispěvatelé: Ropič Kop, Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu z naslovom Zmožnost glasovnega zavedanja o rimah pri dve- in triletnih otrocih v zasebnem in javnem vrtcu smo predstavili dve obliki vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov – javni vrtec in zasebni vrtec – ter opisali razvoj govora in proces opismenjevanja s poudarkom na glasovnem zavedanju. Izpostavili smo eno od začetnih stopenj glasovnega zavedanja – rime in aliteracije. V drugem delu je predstavljen empirični del, katerega namen je bil raziskati in ugotoviti, ali otroci v obdobju treh mesecev napredujejo na področju rim v glasovnem zavedanju (vsak zase in vsi skupaj). Zanimalo nas je še, ali obstajajo razlike v rezultatih med otroki, ki obiskujejo javni vrtec, in otroki, ki obiskujejo zasebno varstvo. Hkrati smo preverili, ali obstajajo razlike med spoloma, ne glede na vrsto institucije, ki jo obiskujejo. Na podlagi odgovorov otrok in njihovega znanja smo rezultate interpretirali. Ugotovili smo, da je večina otrok v obdobju treh mesecev napredovala. Pri nekaterih je bil napredek večji, pri nekaterih manjši, pokazalo pa se je tudi, da ga pri vseh otrocih ni bilo. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da razlike med otroki iz javnega in zasebnega vrtca obstajajo. V naši raziskavi se je pokazalo, da so deklice uspešnejše od dečkov. In the diploma thesis titled Capability of Voice Awareness for Rhymes in Two and Three Year Children in Private and Public Nursery we presented two models of educational institutions the public and the private nursery school. We also showed the development of speech and the process of writing with the emphasis on the voice awareness (rhymes and alliteration). The main aspect of the empirical part in the thesis was to research and determine, if the children in a period of three months progress in the area of rhymes in voice awareness, firstly as individuals and secondly all together and if there are any variations in the results when comparing children from public and private nurseries. We also investigated if there are any differences between the genders, regardless of the institution they are attending. Next we interpreted the results based on the answers from the children and their knowledge. In the end we uncovered that the majority of children progressed in a period of three months. Some children have shown great progress, while others showed little progress, however not all children were successful. The research has also shown that there are differences, while recognizing the intruder among children from the public and private nursery. In conclusion, the research displayed that girls are more successful than boys.
Databáze: OpenAIRE