Autor: Starc, Borut
Přispěvatelé: Rijavec, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Medsebojne spore, kot sestavni del gospodarskih aktivnosti, ki jih stranke želijo rešiti na manj formalen postopek, kot je postopek pred sodiščem in želijo, da je odločitev tovrstnega razsodišča kljub temu zavezujoča in dokončna, izberejo arbitražo, kot alternativo sodnemu postopku. Temeljna razlika arbitraže od sodnega postopka je, da arbitraža omogoča hitre, strokovne, navadno cenejše, kreativne in interesom strank prilagojene rešitve. Dejstvo je, da stranke izberejo vsaka svojega arbitra povsem avtonomno, pri čemer velja, da izbrani arbitri ne zastopajo interesov svojih strank, temveč sledijo višjim ciljem, s katerimi bi se spor rešil karseda objektivno. Na podlagi tovrstnega imenovanja arbiter prične opravljati funkcijo, ki zajema določene pravice in obveznosti oz. dolžnosti. V arbitražnem postopku tako mora spoštovati različna procesna pravila, med katerimi je tudi temeljno načelo neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti arbitrov, kar je ključni element samega postopka in ga različni avtorji definirajo zelo različno. Na podlagi analize temeljnega pojma arbitraže, temeljnih načel in značilnosti arbitražnega postopka, izpeljemo osnovno vodilo pojma »neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti arbitrov«. Gre za temeljno načelo, glede katerega se ni težko strinjati, vendar moramo znati pravilno ločevati in uporabiti oba pojma, tako neodvisnost, kot nepristranskost arbitra. Kljub temu pa je v konkretnih primerih prakse pogosto težko oceniti, ali določeno stanje, ravnanje ali obnašanje arbitra predstavlja tako resno grožnjo, da bi lahko ogrozilo neodvisnost, nepristranskost in učinkovitost arbitražnega postopka. V praksi je zato potrebno pravilno uporabiti merila, ki so pomembna za presojo neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti, kar lahko v končni posledici pripelje tudi do izločitvenega razloga in postopka izločitve posameznega arbitra. In mutual disputes, as an integral part of economic activity, where customers wish the solution by a less formal procedure than the procedure before the court and wish that the decision of such court may nevertheless be binding and final, arbitration is chosen as an alternative to judicial process. A fundamental difference between the arbitration proceedings and judicial process is that arbitration allows for quick, professional, usually cheaper, creative and customized solutions to clients’ interests. The fact is that the parties each choose an arbitrator completely autonomous, with the understanding that the selected arbitrators do not represent the interests of their clients, but representing the interests wider. On these grounds, the designated arbitrator starts performing the function, covering certain rights and obligations or duties. In arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator must comply with various procedural rules, including the fundamental principle of independence and impartiality of arbitrators, which is a key element of the process itself and is defined very differently by various authors. Based on analysis of the basic concept of arbitration, fundamental principles and characteristics of the arbitration procedure, the deduction of the basic principle of the concept “independence and impartiality of arbitrators” can be made. This is a fundamental principle on which it is not difficult to agree, but we must learn to distinguish and correctly use both terms independence as well as impartiality of an arbitrator. However, in concrete cases it is often difficult to assess whether a particular situation, conduct or behavior of an arbitrator constitutes such a serious threat, that it could undermine the independence, impartiality and effectiveness of the arbitration process. In practice, it is necessary to correctly apply the criteria important for assessing the independence and impartiality, which can ultimately lead to exclusion grounds and to arbitrator exclusion process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE