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Nasilja v družini je več vrst: fizično, psihično ali čustveno nasilje, spolno nasilje, ekonomsko nasilje... Največ govorimo o fizičnem ali telesnem nasilju, katerega najbolj pogoste žrtve so povsod, tudi pri nas, ženske in otroci. Najbolj prikrito je psihično nasilje, ki se kaže kot čustveno izsiljevanje, povzročanje strahu in podobno. Daleč najpogostejše žrtve psihičnega nasilja so otroci, a ker do nedavnega te oblike nasilja sploh nismo dojemali kot nasilje, o njem vemo zelo malo. Velikokrat se različne vrste nasilja prekrivajo. Storilci nasilja so osebe, ki so otroku zelo blizu, posledice nasilja so največkrat dolgotrajne, lahko celo rečemo, da vplivajo na celotno otrokovo življenje. Prav zato je zgodnje odkrivanje in dejansko zavedanje problema nasilja ključnega pomena pri nudenju pomoči otrokom — žrtvam nasilja. There are several types of domestic violence: physical, psychological or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, economic violence, etc. In Slovenia, as everywhere else, we mostly talk about physical abuse, the victims of which are the most frequently women and children. Psychological abuse is the most concealed form of abuse and manifests itself as emotional blackmail, causing fear and similar. Children are by far the most frequent victims of psychological abuse, but as this form of abuse has not been perceived as violence until recently, we know very little about it. Different forms of violence are often concealed. Abusers are people close to children and the consequences are most of the time long-lasting we might even say they have an effect on children their entire life. That is why early detection and actual awareness of the problem is key to offering help to children – victims of abuse. |