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Diplomsko delo prestavlja ožji segment storitve Pošte Slovenije, in sicer knjižene poštne pošiljke z vidika preglednosti s pomočjo novih tehnoloških rešitev, ki jih omogoča pristop strankam z dlančniki. Delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela, kjer so navedena izhodišča na področju splošnega delovanja logističnih procesov. Osredotočenost je na značilnostih logističnih procesov in vrstah le-teh, ki so podrobneje opredeljene in razdeljene. Aplikativni del dela zajema predstavitev Pošte Slovenije in njeno organiziranost. Delo je osredotočeno na trenutno organizacijo knjiženih poštnih pošiljk in razvoj znotraj Pošte Slovenije. Ciljna raziskava je usmerjena v uporabo dlančnikov v procesu pošiljk, ki zajema predstavitev delovanja in zgradbe dlančnikov, prednosti in slabosti le-teh, predvsem pa izhodišče za izboljšanje procesov dela v bodoče s pomočjo dlančnikov ter kaj lahko z uporabo naprednih tehnoloških rešitev Pošta Slovenije pridobi za svoj doprinos podjetju in kaj lahko nudi svojim uporabnikom in kupcem. The diploma thesis represents a narrow segment services the Post of Slovenia and otherwise booking of postal items in terms of transparency through new technology solutions that allow customers to approach PDAs. The work consists of a theoretical part where the starting points to the overall operation of logistics processes. The focus is on the characteristics of the logistics processes and types of these, which are further defined and divided. Applied part of the work includes a presentation of the Post of Slovenia and its organization. The work is currently focused on the organization credited mail and developments within the Post of Slovenia. Limited research is to target the use of PDAs in the process shipments, which includes a presentation of the building and PDAs, advantages and disadvantages of these, especially the starting point for the improvement of work processes in the future by using PDAs, and what you can with the use of advanced technology solutions for the Post of Slovenia acquired its contribution to the company and what they can offer to their users and customers. |