The effects of career planning education

Autor: Turnšek Mikačić, Marija
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revija za univerzalno odličnost, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 92-109, 2015.
ISSN: 2232-5204
Popis: Research Question (RQ): We employed a qualitative approach to study the effects of career planning education, perceiving it as an effective way to gain a deeper understanding of introductorily-organised career education. Purpose: We researched important areas to formulate a questionnaire for quantitative analysis. Method: We used a qualitative research approach in order to develop a theoretical framework for the exploration, interpretation and identification of the impact of education on career plans, on the changing attitudes towards careers, the raising of self-esteem and perception of personal growth. We used Neuro-linguistic programming as a tool to develop and achieve personal excellence within the career planning. Results: We constructed a paradigmatic model and developed the final theory. By means of qualitative analysis, we identified the elements of design criteria for the construction of the questionnaire we measured the effects of education on career plans. Organization: The findings of the research will prove useful in personal management and career management in the process of planning and organizing the promotion of individuals within the organizations in accordance with the needs of those organizations. Originality: A career plan as a building block of personal growth, based on the model of career education with the in-built elements and tools of NLP, has been confirmed by the most recent studies in neuroscience. This represents a novelty, and, therefore, this study offers a genuine contribution, and is an indicator of contemporary knowledge, based on the results of the research. Limitations/Future Research: The model of career education and the results of this study open new directions for further research of the influence of career planning on the organisation of companies and their success, which is the phase of the study which was not carried out. Raziskovalno vprašanje (RQ): Raziskovali smo vpliv izobraževanja o kariernem načrtu s kvalitativnim pristopom kot učinkovitim načinom za globlje razumevanje odnosa izobraževancev do svojih notranjih prioritet. Namen: Iskali smo prioritete za oblikovanje vprašalnika za kvantitativno raziskavo. Metoda: Uporabili smo kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop, da bi razvili teoretični okvir za raziskovanje, interpretacijo in identifikacijo vpliva izobraževanja o kariernem načrtu, na spreminjajoči se odnos do kariere, dvig samozavesti in dojemanje osebne odličnosti. Nevrolingvistično programiranje smo uporabili kot orodje za razvoj in doseganje osebne odličnosti pri načrtovanje kariere. Rezultati: Zgradili smo paradigmatični model, in razvili končno teorijo. Organizacija: Ugotovitve raziskave bodo koristne za osebno vodenje in upravljanje kariere v procesu načrtovanja in organiziranja spodbujanja posameznikov znotraj organizacij, v skladu s potrebami teh organizacij. Originalnost: Karierni načrt kot gradnik osebne rasti, temelji na modelu kariernega izobraževanja z vgrajenimi elementi in orodji NLP, ki je bilo potrjeno z najnovejšimi študijami v nevroznanosti. To predstavlja novost in zato ta študija je resnični prispevek, in je pokazatelj sodobnega znanja, ki temelji na rezultatih raziskave. Omejitve / Bodoče raziskave: Model kariernega izobraževanja in rezultati te študije odpirajo nove smernice za nadaljnje raziskave o vplivu načrtovanja kariere pri organizaciji podjetij in njihovega uspeha. Te faze še nismo preiskovali.
Databáze: OpenAIRE