Serijski morilci : odkrivanje in preiskovanje

Autor: Zibelnik, Leonida
Přispěvatelé: Dvoršek, Anton
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočila na odkrivanje in preiskovanje serijskih umorov. Ker serijski umori spadajo med multiple umore, je potrebno ločevati med tremi vrstami. Poznamo namreč serijske, množične in verižne umore. Serijski morilec je torej storilec več umorov v daljšem časovnem obdobju. Na kratko sem predstavila pojem serijski morilec in opisala vrste morilcev, saj je za razumevanje njihovega odkrivanja in preiskovanja pomembno, da jih vsaj na kratko spoznamo. Umori, ki jih je zagrešil serijski morilec, so si med seboj podobni v več pogledih. Pomembno je, kje so se zgodili, kdaj so se zgodili, kdo je žrtev, kako je bila umorjena, kako je storilec prišel v stik z njo ter kakšno je bilo njegovo ravnanje pred, med in po umoru. Te podatke pa lahko pridobimo samo z natančnim in podrobnim ogledom kraja dejanja ter z obdukcijo in identifikacijo žrtve. Pomembne podatke o umoru in žrtvi pa lahko preiskovalci pridobijo tudi s pogovori z očividci ter sorodniki, svojci in prijatelji žrtve. Vsi ti dejavniki so pomembni za določanje profila storilca, s pomočjo katerega lahko preiskovalci odkrijejo morilca. Vse pridobljene podatke preiskovalci vnesejo v računalnike, kjer so informacije shranjene po kronološkem vrstnem redu. Tako se omogoči, da so vsi sodelujoči v preiskavi seznanjeni s potekom preiskave in z vsemi pridobljenimi informacijami. V preiskavi namreč sodeluje več strokovnjakov z različnih področij in več preiskovalnih skupin, med njimi pa mora biti vzpostavljen dober in tesen odnos ter sodelovanje. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen slovenski serijski morilec Silvo Plut. Za njegovo predstavitev sem se odločila, saj lahko na ta način bralec spozna, kako serijski morilci delujejo in koliko časa lahko preteče od njihovega prvega umora do njihovega odkritja. In this diploma I focused on the detection and investigation of serial murders. Since the serial killings are part of the multiple murders, it is necessary to distinguish between three types of them. In fact there are serial, mass and chain murders. Serial killer has committed several murders over longer period of time. I have briefly introduced the concept of a serial killer and described the types of murderers, because in order to understand their detection and investigation it is important that we know them at least briefly. Murders committed by a serial killer, are similar to each other in many aspects. It is important where they happened, when they happened, who the victim was, how the victim was murdered, how the offender came into contact with the victim and what was the killers conduct before, during and after the murder. These data can be obtained only with a precise and detailed search of the crime scene and the autopsy and identification of the victims. Important information about the murdered victim can investigators get through interviews with eyewitnesses and family, relatives, and friends of the victim. All these factors are important for determining the profile of the perpetrator. All obtained data investigators enter into computers where the information is stored in chronological order. In this way all the participants in the investigation are properly informed about the progress of the investigation and about the obtained information. In the investigation there are many experts from different fields, and several investigative teams envolved, that’s why there must be a good and close relationship and cooperation among them. In the last part of the diploma I present Slovenian serial killer Silvo Plut. I decided to present him because in this way the reader can realize how serial killers operate and how long it can take from their first murder until their discovery.
Databáze: OpenAIRE