The role of accounting and accountants in project management: the case of futura advertising agency

Autor: Štupar, Veronika
Přispěvatelé: Horvat, Robert
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Računovodske informacije so pomembna podpora projektnemu managementu pri vseh funkcijah, ki jih izvaja v različnih fazah posameznega oglaševalskega projekta. V nalogi je predstavitev sodelovanja računovodstva oziroma računovodje s projektnim managementom, ki za opravljanje svoje funkcije potrebuje tudi računovodske informacije. Te morajo biti strokovno pripravljene in prilagojene razumevanju managementa. Pomembna je kvaliteta in pravočasnost posredovanih računovodskih informacij, saj so le tako lahko učinkovite in koristne za projektni management. Z analizo računovodstva in projektnega managementa osvetlimo vlogo računovodje kot informatorja pri zbiranju in posredovanju podatkov projektnemu managementu, ki jih ta potrebuje za oblikovanje predkalkulacij ter nadziranje in analiziranje uspešnosti oglaševalskega projekta. V zadani nalogi smo prišli do sklepa, da imajo računovodske informacije med vsemi informacijami, ki jih projektni managementpotrebuje za uresničevanje oglaševalskih projektov, zelo pomembno vlogo. Nedvomno prav računovodstvo in projektni management oglaševalske projekte najbolje razumeta ter prepoznata težave in rešitve zanje. Kot se razvija in raste poslovno okolje, se z njo razvija tudi oglaševalska dejavnost. Posledično se spreminja tudi projektni management intemu skladno sledi tudi računovodska služba. V vseh spremembah pa je vedno priložnost za iskanje najbolj optimalnih računovodskih rešitev za podajanje informacij, ki so v pomoč projektnemu managementu. Accounting information plays an important role in support of project management within all the functions that are a part of a project cycle for an individual advertising campaign. The assignment presents a role of accounting and the collaboration of an accountant with the project management, as it requires accounting information to perform its functions. The information needs to be professionally collated and specifically adapted for the project management team. Quality and timely delivery of accounting information is a key to the usefulness and efficient application within the scope of project management. With an analysis of both accounting and project management, we shed light on the accountant’s role acting as an informer by collecting and disseminating the project management data that the department requires in order to pre-calculate, manage and analyse the success of an advertising campaign. The assignment concludes that accounting information presents an important share of data, which is required by the project management team for successful campaign execution. The project management and the accounting teams are undoubtedly the ones who have a deep understanding of advertising campaigns and can identify issues as well as solutions. While the business environment grows, so do the advertising activities. As project management experiences changes, so does accounting. With the ever-changing environment there’s always an opportunity to search for and pinpoint the most optimal accounting information solutions that aid and add value to the project management department.
Databáze: OpenAIRE