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Delo v kmetijstvu označujejo številne posebnosti, izhajajoče iz posebne narave same dejavnosti in posebnih socioloških značilnosti kmetij kot prevladujoče oblike kmetijskih gospodarstev, ki se pogosto prekrivajo z gospodinjstvom kot potrošno skupnostjo in družino oziroma življenjsko skupnostjo. Zaradi tega je v praksi težko potegniti mejo med odvisnostjo in podrejenostjo na eni strani in neodvisnostjo ali, če je več oseb, prirejenostjo udeležencev v delovnem procesu, kar je temeljni kriterij za uporabo delovnega prava. V nalogi je bilo ugotovljeno, da osnovni problem, ki povzroča številne nejasnosti pravne ureditve dela fizičnih oseb v kmetijstvu, predstavlja neenotna in nedorečena urejenost kmetije in kmeta v zakonodaji. Na podlagi natančne preučitve oblik dela je bilo ugotovljeno, da v kmetijski dejavnosti obstajajo različne pravne oblike samostojnega in odvisnega dela, kjer se določbe delovnega prava uporabljajo glede na stopnjo odvisnosti posameznika pri delu. Določene varovalne določbe zahtevajo tudi nekatere oblike dela, ki ne pomenijo odvisnega razmerja, vendar zaradi močne povezave nosilca na drug, močnejši gospodarski subjekt dejansko predstavljajo odvisnemu delu podobno obliko. Sklepno ugotavljamo, da slovenska delovna zakonodaja ne upošteva posebnosti dela v kmetijstvu, z izjemo sezonskega dela, zato je smotrno te posebnosti ustrezno urediti v posebnem zakonu in kolektivni pogodbi. The work in agriculture is indicated by a number of peculiarities which arise from the particular nature of the activity itself and the specific sociological characteristics of farms as the dominant form of agricultural holdings, which often overlap with households as consumer community and family or living community. For this reason, it is difficult in practice to draw a line between dependence and subordination and independence or, if more than one person is involved, the arrangement of the participants in the working process, which is the fundamental criterion for the application of labour law. In this Master thesis we assessed that the basic problem for many of the ambiguities for the legal organisation of the work of natural person in agriculture lies in legal deregulation of farms and farmers as such. On the basis of detailed examination of the forms of work of agricultural activities it was found that there are various legal forms of autonomous and dependent work, where the provisions of labour law are used depending on the degree of dependence of an individual at work. Certain protective provisions require certain forms of work that do not constitute a dependent relationship, but because of the strong link to another stronger economic subject they represent a form, similar to dependent work. Last but not least it was assessed that the Slovenian labour legislation does not take into account the particularities of work in agriculture, with the exception of seasonal work, therefore it would be appropriate to regulate these specifics in a special law and collective agreement. |