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Naloga osvetljuje problematiko razvoja programske opreme za vgrajene sisteme. Poudarek je na specifiki, prisotni pri razvoju vgrajenih sistemov s skromnejšo strojno opremo. Takšne naprave so pogosto prisotne kot končne točke v telekomunikacijskih omrežjih. Ponavadi jih imenujemo terminalna oprema. Še posebej pomemben vidik razvoja programske opreme je preverjanje programske opreme. Magistrska naloga skuša na sistematičen način prikazati pomen in pomembnost sledenja pri razvoju programske opreme za vgrajene sisteme. Pojasnili bomo, kaj je sledenje, prikazali sodobne načine sledenja in poudarili specifike, prisotne pri sledenju v vgrajenih sistemih s skromnejšo strojno opremo. V ta namen smo opravili sistematični pregled obstoječih programskih rešitev za sledenje in beleženje dogodkov v vgrajenih sistemih. Zanimala nas je predvsem primernost obstoječih implementacij za uporabo v ciljnih sistemih. Glede na ugotovitve raziskave, ki je pokazala na potrebo in smiselnost po razvoju samostojne knjižnice, smo se odločili, da bomo v okviru magistrskega dela izdelali univerzalno programsko knjižnico za sledenje in beleženje, ki bi ustrezala specifičnim zahtevam, ki jih postavljajo vgrajeni sistemi s skromnejšo strojno opremo. V primerjavi z obstoječimi rešitvami smo razvili programsko knjižnico za sledenje, ki je še posebej dobro prilagojena za uporabo v vgrajenih sistemih s skromnejšo strojno opremo. Bistvene značilnosti naše implementacije knjižnice za sledenje so univerzalnost, prilagodljivost, modularnost, zmožnost vpeljave navideznih modulov v obstoječo, ne-modularno programsko kodo, majhna velikost in majhen vpliv na zmogljivosti sistema. Prikaz implementacije, tehnik in rešitev, uporabljenih pri izdelavi te knjižnice, ki so plod dolgoletnih izkušenj pri razvoju takšnih sistemov, predstavlja jedro te naloge. The aim of this thesis is to call attention to issues, present at software development for embedded systems. The focus is on the specifics present in the development of embedded systems with modest hardware. Such devices are often present as an endpoint in telecommunications networks. They are usually called terminal equipment. Particularly important aspect of software development process is software verification. Master's thesis seeks to systematically demonstrate the importance and significance of tracing and logging in software development for embedded systems. We will explain what tracing and logging is, show the modern ways of tracing and highlight the specifics that are present in the tracing and logging of embedded systems with modest hardware. To this end, we conducted a systematic review of existing software solutions for tracing and logging in embedded systems. We were interested mainly the adequacy of existing implementations for use in the target systems. According to the survey findings, which showed the need and advisability of developing an independent library, we have decided that we will in the context of the master's thesis, create universal programming library for tracking and logging to meet the specific requirements posed by embedded systems with modest hardware. Compared to existing solutions, we have developed a software library for tracing and logging, which is particularly well adapted for use in embedded systems with modest hardware. Essential characteristics of the implementation of our library are the universality, its flexibility and modularity, ability of introducing virtual modules to an existing, non-modular software code, small size and low impact on system performance. Presentation of the techniques and solutions, used in the implementation of this library, which are the result of many years of experience in developing such systems, is the core of this thesis. |